CH 52

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"Has anyone told you how happy everyone is that Dave finally got the balls to meet you?" Ally giggled a little and leaned into Liz as they walked down the hallway leading to Liz's room.

Liz put her arm around Ally to steady her, "No?" she laughed awkwardly.

"McCartney hounded him for months," Ally stopped short and made sure Dave and Taylor were too far ahead of them to hear before continuing. "Taylor said there were all these dinners and parties that Paul would invite Dave to, but he turned them all down. We had a feeling you were invited to them, too."

Liz thought about all the dinners she sat through with Paul, Nancy, and Johnny and wondered if maybe Johnny was called as a last minute replacement for Dave. "I didn't realize there was a coup involved," she shrugged.

"He just...," Ally turned to look at Dave before linking her arm with Liz's and continuing down the hallway, "He's back to him again. Two weeks ago you wouldn't have recognized him."

"He was kinda moody when I met him, but he seemed fine at Silva's party," Liz remembered.

Ally laughed loudly at that, causing Dave and Taylor look back at them for a moment, "Taylor came home so drunk that night," she whispered, "He wouldn't shut up about Dave finally getting laid."

"Oh my god, Ally. I didn't even sleep with him that night," Liz giggled. They bit back their laughter once they caught up with Dave and Taylor at the end of the hallway.

"What the hell is so funny?" Taylor asked.

"None of your business, Hawkins," Ally tried to sound stern, but she and Liz were both giggling too much to seem angry. "Where's our room? My feet are killing me."

Taylor pointed to a door just a few feet away just as Dave unlocked the door to Liz's room. "Oh did I book the room right next to yours? How weird is that?" Taylor put his hands on his hips and shook his head, a sarcastic smile on his face.

"Great!" Ally chirped and pulled Liz past Dave and into Liz's room, "We'll see you boys in the morning!" She looked back at Dave and Taylor still in the hallway. "I can't tell if they're surprised or if they're imagining us together in bed," she muttered.

"I'm pretty sure it's a healthy mixture of both," Liz headed into the bedroom, jumping when Ally laid a loud smack on her ass. They both laughed when Taylor made a pained groaning sound as the door shut behind them.


"Hey, do you think I should tell Dave about what happened earlier? With the banshee in the bathroom?" Liz called out to Ally from the closet. She had been debating telling him all night, but then his ex showed up and things just got too weird.

"I would probably not tell him that, ever," Ally laughed. "The poor guy needs therapy every time she pops up."

"So I have a t-shirt and boy shorts or... boy shorts and a sports bra," Liz stepped out of the closet holding Ally's pajama options, feeling a little bad that she didn't have more to offer.

"The shirt's fine," Ally smiled, "Thanks for letting me borrow them. So did he tell you about Melissa?" Liz handed them over and sat on the bed next to her.

"Melissa?" Liz asked, leaning forward to pull off her heels.

"His ex? The one that literally threw herself into our table tonight to get his attention?"

"Oh, yeah he said she was a little aggressive," Liz muttered. She felt a little bad discussing this with Ally like it was gossip that Dave wouldn't want her to know.

"A little? Taylor said she bit his neck!"

"I think she just kissed him, but it totally freaked him out," she shook her head, trying to forget the look on Dave's face. "So anyways..."

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