CH 99

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"What are you doing the weekend before Halloween?"

Liz pinned her phone against her shoulder and spun away from the boxes she was packing full of kitchen towels to check the calendar stuck to the side of her fridge. "Um... Jack has a party at school on Friday, but it's in the morning. What's up?"

"I told JB and Kyle I'd play their Vegas show. You wanna go? Josh and Brody are going, too."

"I'm down if you are," she frowned a little when she heard him laugh. "What?"

"Nothing, weirdo. I gotta go, are we still on for later?"

"Yep, I'll see you then."

"Hey, Liz?" he parked his van next to Nate's SUV and grinned into the phone. 

"Yeah, what?"

"Fourteen days," he said sweetly, then laughed at her annoyed sigh and the sound of her hanging up on him. It had only been a week since CalJam and six days since they decided to buy a fucking house together, but Dave couldn't wait to get moved in. He had been throwing money at the banks in an attempt to get them to speed up the purchase and so far, his investment was worth it. The entire process was running smoothly and they were scheduled to pick up the keys in just two weeks.

He had made it to the studio's side door when his phone beeped and he took a second to check it. "Oh fuck," he groaned at Liz's text, unaware that Taylor had come out to meet him. 

Do you like this? Should we keep it for a guest room? Liz asked, accompanied by a picture of a large antique mirror and her standing in front of it wearing only a lace bralette and silk pajama pants.

"What? Let me see!" Taylor insisted, snatching Dave's phone out of his hand. "Whoa," he chuckled. "Fuck is right!"

Dave grabbed his phone back and glared at him, only slightly annoyed as he followed him inside and tapped out a reply text.

I love it and I'm keeping it in the master bedroom with me. Not so sure about that mirror though...

"Any updates on the house?" Taylor asked, walking beside him down the long hallway to Dave's office. 

"We close in two weeks... sooner if I can hack it," Dave unlocked the door and held it for his drummer, rolling his eyes when he went straight for the fridge in the corner. His phone chimed again and he grinned at the photo of Liz in the same spot in front of the mirror except now she was smiling and flipping him off. Such a fucking brat.

"So what was the clincher?" Taylor grabbed a beer for Dave and a water for himself before flopping onto the deep leather couch against the far wall. "What made her change her mind all of a sudden?"

"Fuck if I know," Dave happily took the beer and cracked it open as he woke up his computer. "I'm just stoked she did." Truthfully, he didn't know what had made her come around, but he had gone over it thousands of times in his head and narrowed it down to one of three options. One; the house was too perfect for the two of them to pass up, two; Brody had said something to change her mind, or three; she had just come around on her own. He was leaning towards option one, but something in his gut told him that Brody had put in a good word or two. 

"Well, I'm fuckin' happy for you, man," Taylor said softly. "You both deserve it."

"Yeah, now I just have to figure out how to keep her around once she gets sick of me," Dave muttered and shoved on his glasses to see his calendar better. "Ready to nail this festival shit down?"

"You already know my blackout dates. The kid's and Allison's birthdays and then August when the baby shows up."

Dave slumped back into his chair and peered over the top of his glasses at Taylor. In the excitement of buying that house, he had totally spaced Liz's surrogacy. 

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