"This one is my fucking favorite," Taylor giggled and ran ahead, stopping in front of an unassuming brick building and peering into the restaurant's windows. "It's just a pizza place now, but it was The Marquee from 1964 to 1988."
"Wait, the Marquee?" Liz gasped and ducked out of Dave's arm to look in the windows next to Taylor. "With Queen and Tull and Metallica?"
Taylor grinned and nodded, "And Bowie, The Police, Prince, Iron Maiden..."
"Can we go in?"
"Yeah, sure," Taylor looked back at Ally and Dave as they waited a few steps back. "You guys coming?"
They both shook their heads, having been on the infamous Taylor Hawkins Rock n Roll Walking Tour London Edition several times already. The glass door shut behind them and Ally immediately spun around to Dave.
"What's wrong?" she demanded. She knew Dave well enough to see that he had been hiding something, forcing his smile and keeping Liz as close as possible the entire night.
He eyed her suspiciously for a moment, then let out a sharp breath. "She's moving to LA."
Ally tilted her head in confusion, "And?"
"She's looking at a place in Malibu," he sighed.
"Ew," she giggled. "If she wants the beach, why not Laguna?"
"No, goddamnit" he growled. "That's even farther away."
She thought for a moment, searching his face. "Oh my god, Dave. Did you ask her to move in with you?"
"... Kind of?" Liz's reaction earlier had been bothering him. Why was she so against living with him? Sure, they had only been together for a few months, but it felt right to him.
"Dave!" Ally cried, lowering her voice to a harsh whisper when she glanced at the brick building behind them. "You haven't even-!"
"Let's go!" They were interrupted by Taylor's urgent tone as he burst out of the building and grabbed Ally's arm, dragging her down the sidewalk.
Liz casually strolled through the glass door with her hands in her jacket pockets, slyly grinning at Dave when she bumped her shoulder into his.
"Oh god," he laughed, "What did you do now?"
"Nothing!" she said innocently but revealed the chipped red brick she had concealed in her leather jacket. "Just thought my dad would like a souvenir."
Linking her arm with his as they followed Taylor and Ally, he grinned down at her, "Delinquent."
She giggled and nudged him with her elbow. "Yeah, and you love it."
"Happy anniversary!"
Liz handed Ally her shot and they tapped glasses before going through the salt lick, tip back and lime suck ritual that well-dwelling tequila required.
"Thirteen years of marital bliss!" Ally giggled and wiped her lips of lime juice.
"Unlucky thirteen!" the bartender yelled over the music. "How about another?"
Liz nodded at the bartender and leaned into Ally. "Someone's never heard of the seven-year itch."
"Of course he hasn't. He's so young!" Ally pointed out. "I don't know whether to tip him or to breastfeed him." Liz burst out laughing and had to turn away when he set their shots and limes on the bar top. "Thanks, sweetie," Ally cooed in her best Marilyn Monroe voice as she handed over her credit card. "Keep our tab open. We have to go put our undies in the icebox."

That Blue Gibson
FanfictionCONTINUED in That Blue Gibson: Another Round 📷 IG: thatbluegibson "I'm in love with you." "Don't... don't tell me that right now." "Why not? Right now is when you need to hear it the most." Dave took one look at her from across the green room and...