"God-fucking-dammit, Dave!" Liz yelled, throwing her handful of cards at his chest.
He laughed loudly as he set down the 'Draw Four' card on the pile. "Uno, motherfucker!" he giggled as Liz crossed her arms in a huff.
"Such an asshole," she said through a giggle
They sat across from each other on the massive bed, colorful cards strewn all around them on the white bedspread. She started to gather up the cards, but Dave grabbed her arm to stop her. "Leave 'em," he said. "I'd like to see what rumor comes out of a messed up bed full of Uno cards."
"That'll be a fun one in the Disney interviews," Liz hopped off the bed and stretched. They had been cloistered upstairs for an hour and her legs were asleep.
"Ready?" Dave asked standing from the bed.
"Once my legs wake up," she said, shaking each one to encourage the blood to move.
Dave thought for a moment. "You're good. Let's go," he said quickly and hustled her out of the room.
"Dave, I can't...," Liz protested as she limped down the hallway towards the stairs.
"You're doing great," Dave laughed but hurried to get in front of her before she fell down the stairs.
Liz let him go ahead of her as she rounded the corner, but just as she moved to descend the first step, her leg buckled and she stumbled forward. Her arms flew forward to catch herself, but Dave caught her before she hit the wall.
"Fucking hell," Liz sighed, her wide eyes staring over Dave's head and down the very long staircase towards the tile floor at the bottom.
"You okay?" Dave asked, still holding her up by the rib cage. He was trying to look anywhere but at her breasts that were inches from his face and threatening to spill out of her corset at any moment.
"Yeah, I think so," Liz breathed, glancing down at him. She noticed his little dilemma and laughed. "They're just tits, Dave," she said, finding her footing again.
"I know, they just seem like, I don't know... rather nice ones and it would be a shame if anything happened to them," he stammered.
Liz noticed a blush creeping up his neck and decided to take mercy on him. "After two babies and thirty-three years, they aren't that nice," she smiled and moved Dave aside so she could continue down the steps. They walked together, though Liz was still a bit wobbly on her feet.
Once they reached the bottom, Dave threw his arm around her shoulders again while Liz fought off the smile that threatened to give them away. Just as they reached the edge of the party, Taylor burst through the wall of people. "How was sh-," he yelled before realized Liz was still with him. "Oh, heyyyy...," he said awkwardly smiling at her.
"Hey," Liz replied casually, biting the inside of her cheek to keep from laughing.
"She was great!" Dave said loudly while pulling Liz closer to him. "How many rounds did we go?" he asked, looking down at her.
Liz forced herself to keep eye contact with Dave without giving them away. "I think at least three," she replied, then put on a fake pout and turned back to Taylor, "He won every single time."
"I'm sorry you're such a sore loser, Elizabeth," Dave couldn't hide his smile any longer and turned to Taylor.
Taylor stood in front of them with an incredulous look on his face. "What the fuck?" he whispered under his breath, then a little louder, "Well, I'm glad you found someone as fucking weird as you are, man." He slapped Dave on the shoulder and shook his head as he walked past them towards the bar.
"Don't kink-shame me, Hawkins!" Dave yelled after him, causing several people around them to stop and stare. He looked back towards Liz with a grin. "Any thoughts on acquiring some whiskey?" he asked.
"I thought you'd never ask," Liz slipped out of Dave's hold and wobbled after Taylor towards the bar. The pins and needles stage had finally hit her legs making walking especially painful.
"You look like fucking Bambi on ice," Dave laughed.
"Oh my god she's actually limping," a small group of barely dressed women giggled as she passed them, then batted their eyes at Dave, who ignored them.
Liz spun around to Dave, who stood behind her with a smug look on his face. "I could have fucking died on those stairs, man! Just so some people would think you're a good fuck?" her smile revealing she wasn't the least bit mad.
"It was a risk I was absolutely willing to take," Dave laughed and helped her to the bar.

That Blue Gibson
FanfictionCONTINUED in That Blue Gibson: Another Round 📷 IG: thatbluegibson "I'm in love with you." "Don't... don't tell me that right now." "Why not? Right now is when you need to hear it the most." Dave took one look at her from across the green room and...