"Hold the pin straight," Liz called from underneath the sidecar.
Dave did as he was told, peering down at her through the mounting bracket. "This isn't going to fall on you, is it?" he asked, watching her loosen the last bolt. Her dark red hair fanned around her as she wrenched on the bike.
"The legs are down, dummy," Liz teased. She finished removing the last bolt and looked up at Dave. "K, pull the pin."
He pulled the lynchpin away from the bracket and winced as the sidecar lurched down towards Liz's face. The heavy metal barrel dropped a half an inch before it's steel legs steadied it. Dave let out a long breath and a wide smile spread across Liz's face before she burst into giggles.
"Get up, fucker," Dave laughed, pulling himself off the concrete.
Liz slid out from under the sidecar and hopped up. She pulled her leather jacket out of sidecar and slipped it on while Dave started his bike. She jumped at the roar from the Harley Deuce, spinning around towards the bike with wide eyes. Dave threw his head back in laughter, but Liz couldn't hear him over the rumble of his bike echoing off the parking garage walls. She quickly hopped onto her Ural, now free of its sidecar and fired it up. She nodded at Dave when she was ready and they took off down the garage ramp.
They rode easily through the city, avoiding traffic due to the early hour. Dave led her onto the 101 headed north and eventually onto I5. Liz felt her mood improve the further they rode from LA. The cool air felt amazing against her skin and the sunrise was turning the sky to the east a vivid pink as they passed Glendale and Griffith Park before exiting the freeway in San Fernando. Dave pulled into a tiny parking lot next to an equally tiny mid-century style building.
"Sorry about the distance. This is the best time of day to ride and I get carried away," Dave admitted, taking his helmet off.
"I don't mind at all," Liz said as they walked towards the building. "Feels good to finally get miles on that bike."
Bells hanging from the door handle jingled as Dave pushed it open for Liz, causing the old men sitting at the bar to look up, but immediately return to their coffee and newspapers.
"This is the only place to get breakfast in Southern Ca-," Dave explained but was interrupted by a shrieking noise from the kitchen. A short older woman burst from behind a double hinged door and ran down the tiled walkway behind the counter towards them. Liz took a few steps backward out of her way as the woman crashed into Dave, wrapping her arms around his waist. He staggered a bit and handed his helmet to Liz once he regained his balance. The woman was excitedly speaking in mixed English but was holding Dave so tightly that his shirt muffled her words. Liz held back a laugh as he tried to untangle himself from the woman.
"Hi Gloria, I know-," he tried to interject, but she was too excited.
"And now a-nother Grammy, David?" she cried. "What else is there left for you, young man? You work too hard, too much, so much that you can't stay marri-" she suddenly stopped when she noticed Liz and looked up at Dave. She slowly released him and stepped back, pushing her hair into place and adjusting her crisp white apron. Turning to face Liz, she crossed her arms and slowly inspected every inch of the girl Dave had with him. Liz felt her face getting hot under Gloria's intense stare. "And who is this?" she asked sharply, never taking her eyes of Liz.
Dave stepped around Gloria and next to Liz, putting his arm around her shoulders. "Gloria, this is Liz. She's a friend." He over-enunciated the last word to drive his point home.
Gloria stared for a moment more before her face broke into a wide smile. "Your spot is open, David!" she said, happily throwing her hands in the air and returned to the bar.

That Blue Gibson
FanfictionCONTINUED in That Blue Gibson: Another Round 📷 IG: thatbluegibson "I'm in love with you." "Don't... don't tell me that right now." "Why not? Right now is when you need to hear it the most." Dave took one look at her from across the green room and...