Deja Vú(2)

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I had finished my food and was full and content, ready to watch some scary movies.

"What movie do you wanna watch?" I asked Quincy, looking over my scary movie collection.

"Whatever you wanna watch, Nik." He replied.

"Texas Chainsaw Massacre it is then." I put the movie in and pressed play, turning off the lights and sitting on the couch next to him.

He held the red solo cup out to me and I looked at him. "Just a sip."

"Fine." I took ahold of the cup and put it to my lips, letting the cool, fruity liquid to pass my lips and go down my throat. It was actually really good.


"It's good, I like it."

"I told you. You want some more?"


"Anika, stop bein' such a square. You act like you died last time you drank, you just had a lil headache."

"That headache felt like someone was constantly bashing my skull in with a hammer, Quincy. Fuck 'little'."

"Oh my god."

"Okay, half a cup. And I mean it."

"Gotchu." He smiled, getting up and going to the kitchen.

Half a cup won't do a thing. I'll be fine.



"Stop throwin' gummy bears at me." Quincy laughed making Anika laugh harder as she threw three at his face and then fell back onto the couch.

"I wasn't even supposed to get drunk. You tricked me."

"I didn't. I told you to stop, you didn't listen and said you were okay."

"I can't be drunk because then I start saying crazy shit..." Her voice trailed off as she closed her eyes but they popped back open when Quincy spoke again.

"Like what you said on your birthday?"

"W-what did I say?"

"That you love me as more than a bestfriend and some other stuff ya' mama probably wouldn't wanna hear."

Anika's heart literally felt like it would pop out of her chest. How did he hear it? I deleted it as soon as possible. She thought to herself.

"How though? I deleted it from your phone before you got to it."

"You didn't." He laughed making her plop her head down on the couch again and cover her face with a pillow.


"Anika, it's cool."

She removed the pillow. "It's not."


"Because...You weren't even supposed to know any of that. Now things are gonna be weird."

"But how though? I've known this for months and our relationship hasn't changed, has it?"

"No, but–" She sat up some, looking at him seriously. "Do you feel the same? And don't say what you want me to hear, be honest."

"I do."

That slightly shocked her. But what she did and said next would shock him even more.

Getting up and moving towards him, she straddled his lap. "Show me."

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