Philosophy or Anatomy?(2)

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My last class of the day was finally done and normally I would be happy as hell but then I remembered today was my day of tutoring sessions with Mr. Lockwood. We had been doing it for alittle over a week now and I wanted to rip my hair out alittle bit everytime.

I was getting some things but it was still just a hazy subject.

"Wanna go get something to eat? I'm in the mood for some Shrimp Tacos." My bestfriend, Imani asked.

"Sounds good but I can't. Tutoring."

Imani smirked. "Oh yeah. You and fine ass Mr. Lockwood. If he has a girlfriend or wife, she's lucky as hell cause he could seriously fuck my whole life up. I honestly don't know how I'm passing his class."

I snorted. "Me neither."

"But anyway, I'll let you go. If anything spicy happens, let me know."

"We're talking about Philosophers and shit. What could happen that's even alittle spicy?"

"Two words for you, sis." She leaned closer to me and lowered her voice some. "Porn. Scenarios."

I let out the loudest laugh, making people look at us crazy. "Goodbye, Imani. You're outta pocket again."

"When am I ever in pocket?" She laughed. "Okay seriously, have fun. Or as much fun as you can."

"I doubt it but thankyou."

I gave her a hug before walking across campus and upstairs to room 202.

"You're late." He said, his back was turned to me as he wiped the board off.

"Hello to you too."

Finally turning to look at me, I took notice of how good he was looking today. He looks good everyday but something about him in this all black was doing things to me.

Why couldn't he be old and ugly with a pot belly? Maybe then I would actually be passing

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Why couldn't he be old and ugly with a pot belly? Maybe then I would actually be passing.

"Your last class ended at 4, it's now 4:03. Plus my last class was on the opposite side of campus so..." I looked at him, waiting for him to hit me with another snarky remark but he failed.

"Fair enough. Have a seat, take out your textbook."


"I'm gonna read you quotes of some Philosophers and I need you to tell me who said it, okay?"

She nodded, "Okay."

"Developed an Autonomy principle, which he defined as "let people choose for themselves unless we can know their interests better than they can."

"Um..." She took a second to think but couldn't come up with an answer. "Can I have a hint?"


She pouted. "Uh...Aristotle?"

"Seriously, Angelique?" He stale faced her.


"We literally just went over this not even fifteen minutes ago."

"What was the answer?"

"Iain King."

"Oh..I forgot."

He sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose. "Work with me, please."

"I am!"

"Another one; the unexamined life is not worth living."

She closed her eyes and tried to go deep in her memory bank to remember where she seen that and who said it.

"Soc..rates?" She asked, unsure and he smiled.


"Really?" Her eyes widened in surprise.

"Really. Let's do another one." He turned the page. "Happiness is not an ideal of reason but of imagination."

"Um...Jeremy Bentham?"

"Right again."

She smiled, feeling alittle more confident.

He ran through more quotes and she got majority of them right, to her surprise and apparently his.

"22 out of 25. Not bad at all." He said and she smiled.

"Wow. I didn't even know I knew all of those."

"I knew you did. You just need to think beyond what you feel you don't know or remember."

Closing her book, Angelique ran her finger over the bold blue letters on the cover.

"So what does your wife think of you being a teacher?"

The question caught Will off guard but he smirked, catching on to what she was doing.

"I'm not married."


"Not engaged either."



"Can I ask why?"

Will moved from his position and started walking around the table to where Angelique sat.

"Noone has caught my eye enough to make that move..." He was now standing behind her, his large hands went to her shoulders, massaging them.

The smell of his cologne made her relax into his touch. It also made her pool between her thighs.

"-Atleast, not until recently." He finished.

"Oh really?"


She decided to play along. "What's she like?"

"She's beautiful...Smart. Funny. And her mouth.." His right hand left her shoulder and trailed to her neck, squeezing gently but enough to ignite a fire in her soul as she tilted her head back. "It's beautiful as well but could get her into some shit she's not ready for."

And just like that, his touch was gone and her eyes popped open to see him back where he was originally.

"What the hell?" She almost whimpered in frustration. "You can't just..Do shit like that and then stop!"

"I can do whatever I please, Ms. Adams. It's getting late anyway, you need to rest and study for the final on Thursday." He smiled. "Have a good night."

Angelique looked at him in disbelief for a few seconds but gathered her things and began to make her way out of the classroom. But before she could leave completely, he called her name.

"Angelique." She stopped and turned to look at him. "Get a good grade and there'll be more where that came from."


I rewrote this atleast three times and still not 100% satisfied with it but y'all get the point.

I was thinking about turning this into a story cause some ideas popped into my head earlier but I know me and how I am with writing books and decided I won't😭

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