Philosophy or Anatomy?

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I don't know shit about Philosophy so everything I put in here is courtesy of google lol. Theo has a degree in Philosophy and that's how this came about.

Theo James as Will Lockwood
Ciara Allen as Angelique Adams


My head leaned on my hand as I tried hard to stay awake and attempt to take notes. I pressed the home button on my phone and seen it was 2:50.

Twenty more minutes.

At this point, I was about to start counting all the tile on the floor. This class is so fuckin' boring–

"Am I boring you, Ms. Adams?" The deepness of Mr. Lockwood's voice made me snap my head up.


"Am I boring you?" He repeated, his dark eyes set on me along with the rest of the class.


"It seems like it. You know what? Class dismissed. I'll see you all on Thursday." He turned to wipe off the board and I quickly got my stuff together and stood up to leave but right when I was about to walk out the door, he called my name. Usually I loved to hear him say it because his accent was nice but right now, I just wanted to go home.

"C'mere Ms. Adams. I'd like to speak with you."

I sighed and turned. "Yes, Mr. Lockwood?"

"Why are you in this class?"

Cause I need it and you're fine as hell. But of course, I stuck to the simpler version of that answer.

"I need it to graduate."

"You sure as hell don't act like it. You don't pay attention in class and your grade is just barely passing. That doesn't seem like someone who needs this class to graduate."

It's not my fault you chose to teach a boring ass class.

"What is it? Why are you not doing well?"

"If we're being completely honest, this class is boring, the material is boring and I just don't grasp any of the concepts."

He didn't seem shocked by my answer at all as he stared at me blankly.

"I understand but life is all about doing shit you don't like nor care to do. I'm willing to help you but you need to actually put in some effort if you wanna pass this class. We got two and a half weeks left for you to get your shit together or you won't be graduating next month and you don't want that, do you?"

Now that he put it that way..."No."

"Okay then. Like I said, I have no problem helping you so you can do well on the final but you need to show me you really want it, understand?"

As annoying as it's gonna be, I needed this desperately and I was gonna do whatever I needed to in order to graduate.

"Loud and clear."


Just a lil sneak peak👀 I promise the dialogue won't be as trash as it was in this.

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