Mommy Dearest •Trevante Rhodes•

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"Zahara! Hurry up!" Trevante yelled into the house to his fianceé, Zahara. They were supposed to have already been on the road on the way to his mother's house but she was taking forever.

It was a good two minutes before he finally heard her footsteps coming down the wooden stairs.

"What the hell were you doin'? We were supposed to be gone by now."

All she did was shrug and brush past him, making her way to the garage. He sighed and made sure the house was locked up once again before going into the garage and getting inside his truck.

"You sure you got everything?" He asked her.

"Yup." She responded, not even looking at him and he clenched his jaw but kept his words to himself as he backed out of their garage.

They were driving for a solid hour and Zahara would not talk to him. All she did was scroll on her phone or stare out the window and Trevante was getting fed up.

"You really gon' act like a brat all weekend, Z? What's the problem?"

"The problem is you're dragging me to your moms house when you know she hates me."

He smacked his lips. "She doesn't hate you."

"Yes she does, Tre! She tries to get rid of me every chance she gets."

Since the day Trevante introduced Zahara to his mother two years ago, his mom has been rude to her. She made it very clear from day one that Zahara wasn't who she envisioned for her son but always made it alittle more discreet around Tre.

She even went as far as to pay a woman to try and take Tre away from Zahara but her plan failed, luckily. Zahara never told him about it but she just might if his mom provoked her enough.

He sighed. "I know y'all don't necessarily see eye to eye but can you please just be cool? It's only two days then we're gone."

"Aren't I always?" She sighed out, shifting in her seat.

He grabbed her hand and kissed it making her give a small smile.

Two hours later, they pulled up to his mothers house and Zahara felt her whole mood shift once she got towards the house.

"Z, please." Trevante said seriously, looking down at Zahara when she got out the car.

"I know, Tre." She replied, back. He leaned down and gave her a kiss before grabbing her hand and leading her up the stoned path to the front door.

He knocked twice before putting his arm down and waiting. Seconds later the door opened and fortunately, his little sister, Kasia answered the door.

"Took y'all long enough." She joked, letting them in and they laughed.

"We hit some traffic," Tre said before hugging her and kissing her forehead.

"Hey Kas." Zahara smiled and hugged her too.

"Hey Z, you look pretty."

"Thankyou, so do you."

"Where's mama?"

"Is that my babyboy I hear?" His moms voice rang out before they heard her coming towards the front of the house.

"Yeah, ma."

His mother, Tasha, appeared with a big smile on her face as she hugged her only son tightly.

"I missed you! You look so handsome. Alittle skinny though, you been eating?" She asked, seriously, secretely taking a subtle jab at Zahara and he laughed alittle.

"Yes, ma. You gonna say hey to Z?" He gestured behind him to his fianceé and she eyed Zahara.

"Hello, Sahara."

"Zahara." She corrected her, putting extra emphasis on the 'Z' while giving her a tight, fake smile. "Nice to see you, Ms. Tasha."

"Mhm. Come on, let's go eat cause you look like you need it." She said before pulling Damian towards the kitchen.

Zahara took a deep breath and counted to ten in her head before releasing a breath.

She could already tell this was gonna be a long weekend.


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