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Imani👯: We need to talk. Bring ya lil boyfriend too.

When I seen that text, I frowned and cocked my head back cause I could sense the attitude but I wasn't putting up with that today.

"Why you lookin' like that?" Jarell asked.

"Because Imani is tryin' me already and it's barely nine in the morning."

"What she say?"

"She wants to talk to us."

"Us? As in me and you? Nah, I'm good."


"Cause had she not thought she was all big and fuckin' bad the other night, y'all would've never went up there and what happened wouldn't have happened. She almost got not only herself but most importanly, you, hurt or worse so I really don't care to have a conversation with her. And by the way you look from that text, I can feel she gon' say some bullshit and I'm not tryna hear it."

I just looked at him, feeling myself start to get turned on.

"I like when you get all aggressive and stuff. Plus you're wearing red and you know how I feel about you in red." I climbed ontop of him and wrapped my arms around his neck.

He chuckled, "I'm serious."

"Me too."


"I'll tell her to keep her attitude to herself, Jay. Please? If everything is gonna come out today, I want you to be there. Pleaseeeee." I poked my lip out and batted my eyelashes.

He sighed, throwing his head back. "Fine, man."

I smiled, kissing his bottom lip. "Thankyou."

"Babe, stop looking like that."

"Lookin' like what?"

"All mean and stuff."

He chuckled, opening the door for me. "This is just my face, I can't help it."

Imani told us to meet her at some restaurant so we could all talk and be as calm as possible.

I seen the girls sitting at a table near the back and we walked over and sat down.

"Hey." I said.

"Hey." They all said.

"So, what are we talking about?" I asked, trying to get straight to the point.

"I feel like we all need to come clean about some stuff. My brother being one of them..." Imani started. "Basically, he was in a lot of trouble and in order for him to have time to figure things out was to fake his death and disappear for a little while."

"And what about the other night?"

"He told me he had been keeping close tabs on us because he knew I was trying to go after Darius for what he did. And because Rakeem wanted him dead just as much as I did, he did the job for me." She explained.

"And is he in the clear now?"

She nodded, "Yeah, he said he took care of everything he needed to take care of."


"Now about this," She motioned between Jarell and I. "How long have you two been together?"

"Four months."

"Hmm..." She sipped her water. "So, you just decided to keep this from us, why?"

"Because I knew you would feel some type of way about me dating a guy who was in a group with the person you despise and I didn't feel like hearing you." I answered truthfully and she furrowed her eyebrows.

"Didn't feel like hearing me?! Wow. So it was just 'fuck Imani and her feelings' this whole time, huh?"

"Basically, yeah." Jarell said and I hit his leg making him chuckle alittle. "I'm leaving before I say some crazy shit. I'll be in the car." He stood up and gave me a kiss before leaving out.

"Imani, I thought about your feelings but at the end of the day, I deserve to be happy and he makes me happy. Just because Darius was a dick doesn't mean Jarell is anything like him cause he's not. You're my bestfriend and I love you but I'm not gonna give up my happiness for you."

"Okay." She nodded, sipping more of her water and I heard the sarcastic tone in her voice. She grabbed her purse and stood up and I rolled my eyes.

"Imani, sit down." The girls said, trying to make her come back but Imani wasn't trying to hear any of us. She was the most stubborn person I've ever met.

"It's okay, y'all. If she wants to be like that, let her be. I don't have time for this anymore."

"Rai, c'mon...Can y'all please just stop this?" Brooklynn pleaded but I shook my head.

"My plan was to get everything out and move forward but it won't happen cause her ass is stubborn so until she's done with her little temper tantrum, I guess we won't be speaking." I stood up and grabbed my purse. "I love you guys, I'll see you later."

Leaving the restaurant, I got in the car and Jarell didn't even have to ask how it went because my face said it all.

I was hoping this would go differently but until Imani stops being selfish, nothing will change.



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