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"Rakeem?!" All the girls asked in disbelief.

"In the flesh."

"Nigga you died! What the hell?–This is way too much." Kasia pinched the bridge of her nose.

"No, this isn't real....I went to your funeral, Rakeem! How are you standing here right now?!" Imani asked with tears in her eyes as she stared at her older brother.

"I paid to have a closed casket for a reason, Mani. It's a long story that I'll explain later but right now we gotta go."

Everyone left the building and got outside. Jarell noticed his side starting to hurt but didn't think too much of it at the moment.

"Baby, you good?" He asked Sarai who was quietly walking beside him.


He stopped walking and pulled her into him, hugging her tightly. She hugged him just as tight, burying her face in his neck. She moved her hand down alittle and felt something wet on his shirt.

Pulling back some, she looked at her fingers and seen blood on them.

"Jay, you're bleeding!"

He furrowed his eyebrows and took his jacket off to see a bloody spot on his shirt on the lower left side of his abdomen. His adrenaline was pumping so hard, he didn't even realize he was hit. "Damn."

"C'mon, we have to go to the hospital!" She tugged on his hand but he stopped her.

"I don't need it, I'm good I just need to take some Motrin or somethin'."

She looked at him like he was crazy. "Motrin? Jarell, you got shot! We're going to a hospital right now."

"And what the hell am I supposed to say cause nothing will sound convincing enough. They gon' automatically assume I was involved with some kinda gang activity which isn't wrong and then what?"

"Who the fuck cares?! You need medical attention."

"Aight, fine. I know somebody that can help but I'm not goin' to the hospital."

She sighed, "Okay fine but we need to go now."

He nodded and opened the car door for her as she got in. She heard the voice of Cori before he closed the door.


Sarai looked up. "Huh?"

"Are you okay?"

"I'm okay. I'll see y'all later, text me when you guys are settled."

Cori nodded before walking back around the corner and Jarell pulled off.


I sat in a chair, shaking my leg nervously. Jarell and I ended up going to a friend of his' house who he's known for years and just so happens to be a doctor.

He had been back there in surgery for an hour and I was getting more nervous the longer he was back there.

Finally, after what felt like forever, his friend Elijah came out of the room.

"So? Is he okay?"

"He's fine. The bullet took a lil work to get out but luckily it didn't hit any important arteries or break any bones but he will be in pain for a few weeks. He needed six stitches so make sure he doesn't do anything strenuous because if those stitches rip, he'll be in even more pain and it'll draw out the healing process. Keep the area dry for about a day or two and then he can wash the area. Pat the area dry and avoid touching the stitches as much as possible and if you follow those instructions, he can get the stitches removed in two weeks."

I nodded, "Okay. Can I see him?"

He nodded, "He's still knocked out but he should be up in about ten minutes. He gon' be high as all hell so prepare for loudness." He laughed making me laugh.

"Okay. Thanks Elijah."

"No problem." He smiled before walking away and I went into the room to see Jarell laying on the bed, looking to be in a peaceful sleep. Looking over to his side, I seen a bandage where his wound was and blood seeping through it alittle making me frown.

"Rai." He said, barely above a whisper.

I grabbbed his hand, sitting next to him. "Yes?"

"Did he get it? How long was I knocked out?"

"Yeah he got it. And about an hour and a half."

"Oh..." He rubbed his eyes some before looking at me. "Are you okay?"

"Jay, you're the one who just got a bullet removed from your body. Are you okay?"

"Nothing happened to you so yeah, I'm good. I know once this medicine wears off though, imma be in pain."

"I'll take care of you." I said making him smile.

"His ass up yet?" Elijah asked, coming in the room. "Oh, wassup bro."

Jarell laughed. "Wassup. Can I go home now?"

"You feel dizzy or anything?"

"Nah, I just feel like I woke up from a good ass nap."

"Well then, yeah, you can go. Just don't move too quick and make the stitches pop cause yo' ass gon' know pain if that happens."

"Aight. Thanks man."

"Thankyou Elijah." I said.

"No problem. Have a good night, y'all." He waved before leaving the room again.

"He's funny." I said.


We got to Jarell's house and went inside. I helped him take off his shirt so he wouldn't bump his stitches and made sure he was settled before going to undress and take my makeup off.

"It's been a long night, huh?" He said when I got into bed next to him.

"Yes." I sighed, snuggling close to him.

"So, that dude that showed up...That's Imani's brother?"


"I thought he was dead though."

"We all did. I don't know what the hell went on but I guess I'll know more tomorrow since none of them have texted or called me yet."

Honestly, after all that's happened today, I was ready to go to sleep. My head was hurting, my anxiety is on fifteen and I just feel like shit. Way too much happened in one night for me to process.

"You sleep?" He asked me after we both had been silent for some time.


"Can I tell you somethin'? I know I joke around alot but this is serious."

I picked my head up more so we were face to face. "Of course."

"You know how when I was in New York and I probably seemed like I was checkin' on you every five seconds?" I nodded, signaling for him to continue. "It's cause the same night we got there, I had a crazy ass dream that I lost you and alot of the times my dreams are just dreams but that one felt way too real for me. That's why I was constantly checking on you and whenever we were talking on the phone or on facetime, I didn't wanna stop talkin' to you because I didn't know what would happen after we hung up. Then I got back here and I doubted the dream when it actualky almost happened tonight but even if Imani's brother didn't shoot Darius, I was gonna do it because I wasn't gonna let anything happen to you."

I smiled and kissed him. "I know. I had my trust in you like I always do."

"Oh yeah?"

"Mhm. In short time I've known you, you've always guided me in the right direction and you definitely never gave me any reason to not trust you." I yawned, my eyes fluttering closed.

"Damn, I love you."

"I love you too." I told him before sleep took over.



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