Summer Lovin'

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It was a warm, Summer night in July. Mark, his girlfriend and you had travelled to a nearby beach earlier in the day with some other friends to enjoy the sun. GOT7 were on a break from promotions so you all finally got to relax together as a huge group. You were wearing denim short shorts and a free-flowing crop top that showed off your figure. It was partially due to the fact that it was so warm but also because you wanted to tease Mark.

Let's backtrack for a moment. Mark is your best friend. He's also your long-time crush. You've been friends ever since you were really young but you lost contact when you both went to separate high schools. Somehow, fate brought you back together again when you moved to Seoul to teach English two years ago. Since then, Mark and you have been inseparable. However, this meant that you began to crush on him for afar.

Things could have happened if Jaebum hadn't introduced Mark to his friend, Seohyun, six months ago. You were glad to see Mark happy but sometimes, you did wish that it was you. It was starting to cool down and you were starting to regret not bringing a jacket or a cardigan. Jaebum had noticed you shivering and placed his jacket over your shoulders. You thank him and smile softly at him as he sits down beside you. Mark noticed Jaebum's affection towards you and felt a deep-seated anger. He wasn't sure if it was because you were his best friend and he was being overprotective or if he actually had feelings for you. For Mark, this had been a recent development. He knew that he felt something more than friendship for you when you met after so many years but he didn't realise until he started dating Seohyun how deep it was. Mark looked at Seohyun and smiled before looking back towards you and Jaebum. Jaebum had now placed his arm around you and the anger that Mark felt inside began to show on his face.

"Mark, are you okay?" Seohyun asked. "Hmm? Oh yeah, I'm fine. Just thinking." He responded, going back into his own world. You were now laughing at something Jaebum had said and that was the last straw. Mark now knew what he had to do and how he felt about you. He decided in that split second that he could not go another minute without you by his side. You, on the other hand, were happily laughing at Jaebum's jokes, trying to ignore Mark's leering stare. You were wondering why he was glaring at you both but you just assumed that he was off in his own world as usual

"And then, Youngjae-" Jaebum was interrupted by Mark grabbing your arm and pulling you away from the crowd. You were pushed into a beach hut (aka a changing room) and Mark pinned you against the wall. Mark... W-what are you doing?" You stutter, surprised at his actions. "Claiming what's mine. Don't ever look at Jaebum like that ever again." He almost growled before roughly molding his lips to yours. Your eyes widened as you feel his lips on yours. Your second reaction is to kiss back. Mark's hands moved to your shoulder and slowly make their way down to your ass. Your hands found his hair and you gently tugged at it making him moan. The sound he produced made you smirk and gave you an extra dose of confidence, sliding your tongue into his mouth. He was taking you to a level you had never quite been before. You were euphoric. The only way that it could have been any more perfect would have been if he wasn't dating Seohyun.

Seohyun. Mark.. We can't do this." You whispered as you pulled away, placing your hands on his chest and pushing him off of you. Why not? I see the way you look at me, don't you know that I want you too?" "You have a girlfriend, you asshole." You spat, pushing past him and running out of the hut. ou wanted to get as far away as possible from him and forget that this ever happened. As you tried to find excuses for him, you realised that there was no going back from this. You were so caught up in all that was Mark Tuan that you had forgotten all about Seohyun. Your selfish instincts had not only hurt her but possibly the person you loved the most in the world; Mark.

Without a second thought, you walked over to Jaebum, who was still sat in confusion at Mark's sudden dominance. "Hey, Jae? Can you drop me off at my house? I'm tired and I need to get up early tomorrow." You lied, hoping that Jaebum would fall for it. He nodded, sensing that you were uncomfortable with something. Jaebum knew when you were upset and you thought for a moment that maybe you guys could have had something. But after the escapade with Mark, you honestly felt like giving up and just sleeping for a few days. The ride to your apartment was silent but not awkward. Jaebum knew it was best to not reopen the wounds just yet. He knew to wait for you to tell him yourself. Seohyun had left earlier, he assumed with Mark, but she did not tell him that she was leaving. He was more worried about her, to be honest, because at least he knew where you were.

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