Attention (Bang Yongguk)

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Nervously sitting in silence I could only think of the worst with my boyfriend next to me with a pillow over his lap blankly staring at his phone, practically ignoring me. Did I do something? Why is he so quiet? Bare silence scares me, and it could only mean that he's thinking or stressing over something, but the gag is I don't know what it could be, we've been fine all week. Normally we talk things out but he's shutting me out. Fidgeting with my fingers I tried to play out multiple scenarios in my mind of how to start a conversation with him, but judging by his blank emotion they'd probably all fail. I couldn't take it anymore I had to have answers.

"Baby...guk?" I called kissing his cheek.

"Mhhh" he answered in pure bass with his eyes slowly landing upon mine.

"What's wrong?... You haven't said anything since you've gotten home?" I asked attempting to dismiss my worried tone.

"Nothing..." He says going back to staring in phone. My first instinct is to think that he isn't ready to talk about whatever it is yet. I'll just give him a little more time then. I sighed out of frustration and proceed to look at funny videos. I watched compilations of Yoongi from BTS. However the video that I couldn't stop laughing at was Yoongi's segment of Infirement.

"Babe look at him this is so cute and hilarious." I said while laughing hysterically. I began to explain to my boyfriend what was going on since Infires was on loop and I didn't want to go back from the beginning. He looked at me for a while and went back to his phone in the middle of me explaining my humoric experience, but he was not giving me the attention I would've liked.

"Are you even listening?" I asked jumping up from my seat slightly agitated. Yongguk scratched the back of his head as he looked up and nodded at me.


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"Yea..babe I am." He sighed bringing his attention back to his phone. I got up walking around the coffee table in front of us.

"Oh my fucking gosh! Can you give me like 5 minutes?? You're always on that damn phone!" I shouted finally getting his attention. He stared at me with those alluring brown eyes, but I had to stand my ground.

"That is so rude?! And on top of that i'm not feeling this stank ass attitude whatever happened you need to tell me... because I'm sick and tired of you ignoring me!" I said now standing in front of him. My angry face combated with his slight creep of a smile.

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