Say His Name

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You stumble out of bed in a sleepy haze. The clock marks 2:35am as you drag your feet towards the kitchen, the oversized shirt you wore as a nightgown crumpled and damp in sweat due to the heat of that summer night.

Your mouth is dry from binge-drinking with your coworkers from 8 to 11pm, when you arrived home completely drunk and proceeded to nap on the couch. Given that you woke up in your bed and in San's shirt, you figured that he found you, changed you and carried you to bed. He worked long hours and often came home close to midnight, but no matter how tired he was, San always made sure to care for you the best he could.

You crossed the hallway still feeling a bit drunk, but your need to hydrate was stronger than your willingness to sleep through the weekend.

As you entered the kitchen, you found San sitting alone on the island, frowning to a half-eaten slice of chocolate cake on his plate. The dim room was lit only by the LED tape under the wall cabinets, but you could still see that your boyfriend had a somewhat upset expression.

"Sani?" you approached him slowly "Is everything alright? When did you get home?"

He shot a tiny smile in your direction, although his eyes didn't smile with him.

"I came around midnight, you were drooling all over the new pillows on the couch."

You blushed, leaning against the counter next to him.

"We all went to celebrate Seonghwa's birthday after work, I guess we celebrated a little too much..."

"I guess you forgot your liver is waaaaay past 20 already" he teased, getting up to put his plate on the sink.

"But my heart is like 18" you countered, putting your elbows on the counter and resting your chin on your hands.

San half-smiled at you, opening the fridge door to get you a cup of water which you eagerly chugged, as your boyfriend fidgeted with a spot on the countertop opposite to where you stood.

You silently watched him for a few seconds before asking.

"Sani, what's wrong?"

He sighed looking down, his dark bangs preventing you from seeing his eyes. When he lifted his head next, his gaze pierced you, eyes squinting under furrowed brows.

"Seonghwa? Really?" his tone was low and cold, but still very calm – unlike his hands, that twitched a little as he spoke.

"I don't..."

"You don't know what I'm talking about?" he paused, looking at your dumbfounded expression with a single raised eyebrow. "I'm talking about how when I came home, I found you shitfaced on our couch – hey, no big deal, we've all been there. So I slid my arms around you to carry you to bed and imagine my surprise when you burrowed your face in my neck and moaned Seonghwa's name?!"

You were petrified. The memories from earlier that night flashed in your head: how you all went to a soju bar near your company; how you sat next to Seonghwa, your coworker and friend of many years; how you punched him in the chest anytime he made a joke on your sleepiness at work; how you laughed together at Hoseok's jokes, and for just a few seconds you thought you saw him looking at your lips before turning away; how you suddenly became very aware of your left thigh inadvertently brushing his right one under the table; how he turned to face you every time you opened your mouth to talk, and that hint of darkness that flashed in his eyes on occasion made your lower stomach sink a little; how you all left the bar in wobbling legs, and he placed an arm around you waist as he helped you walk to your Uber.

How he suddenly leaned in and kissed you when you turned to say goodbye. How you pressed yourself against him, tugging on his hair not to get him off but to kiss him deeper.

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