At The Office With Mr. Jungkook

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(Raven Here 😊☺️)

I was typing away impetuously at my desk rushing to get Mr. Jungkook's financial progressive data and charts together under 2 hours. I would've finished them last night, but my friends dragged me to go out for drinks, resulting me to sleep all throughout the night...and through my required time to be at work. "Excuse me, Miss Y/N." Lyn the receptionist. "What?" I asked frustrated trying to not take it out on her. "We have your 'sister' on line one." she says bringing me my fresh caramel macchiato. "Sister?" I don't have a sister. "Ok, Thank you." I said fanning her out of my office.

"Hello?" I answered very lowly checking to see if someone was snooping on my line. "Girl it's me.." says Y/BF/N

"Why did you call me at work?" You asked startled as if it was an emergency because she never calls you while you're at work, and she knows not to. "I sent Joonie with your phone since you work together." She said casually. "My phone? I thought I had my phone?" I say digging through my purse to find my TV remote. Damn.

"Nope, You left it last night at the bar, but you were too messed up to pick it up i so i went back to get it this morning." She said like the superhero she is.

I don't deserve such friends.

"Well, I'm not gonna hold you up any longer I know you're a busy working woman, so make that mon-ayyyee..." She said following a giggle. We said our goodbyes and ended the conversation. With a smile on my face I continued my worked. As if the devil himself had moved the clock hands closer to my deadline, I noticed that I were already down 20 minutes.

"Miss Y/N?" Lyn peaked in my door.


"We have Mr. Jungkook on like 3."

"Right now?" I asked frightened.

"Yes ma'am!" she said with a smile.

I rushed to the other connectant of my desk and answered his call. "Hello, Mr. Jungkook." I said trying not to sound too cheerful, but not too dull he's picky about the tone that you address him as.

"Have you seen my emails? Why haven't you answered any of my calls?" He said skipping formalities. 

"Umm...Sir.. I've been busy with the Progressions task, but I will look into them very shortly." I said letting him know that i'm not done.

"BUSY?! You should've had that on my desk bright and early this morning what is wrong with you??" He shouted through the phone.

"You've always done you work ahead of time! You know the drill!" He shouted.

"I'm sorry sir, I-"

"Will be fired if that presentation is not ready when i arrive at the office." He said not only cutting me off but finishing my sentence for me.

"I'm an hour and a half away.."

"Mr. Ju-"

"Goodbye..." He said cheerfully.


"Miss Y/N" Lyn came in forcefully. I didn't even bother to say anything she started to talk on her own.

"Department Head Designer, Namjoon dropped off your phone for you." She said handing it out in front of me.

"Do I have any messages."

"You have 8 Miss calls from Mr. Jungkook. 6 Texts From Mr. Jungkook, And 3 Emails from Mr. Jungkook."

"Read me the Emails." I demanded while speed typing the data.

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