*Don't Be Mad*

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I decided to add this A/N as it's own part cause I wanted to leave the cliff hanger, now I'm just reminding y'all that this is based on a true story. So don't be mad at me, lol. Not all of it, but some is.
• couples
•the depression, anxiety, etc.
•the violence.
that's it, that was added so my book wasn't boring in my opinion.

Now, if your shook from that ending, just wait. You are in for a big surprise. 😉
Love y'all ! ❤️

I also wanted to add that if you or a loved one is feeling depressed, or suicidal (or you're being abused in any way. wether physical, emotionally, or mentally) please talk to someone, call a help line or talk to someone you trust. I mean, if you really wanted to, talk to me. if you need someone, I am willing to talk. I've been through a lot and I overcame it. I'm stronger than ever, and that's why i started this book. To help myself and hopefully in the long run, others. Okay, i'm done rambling. bye !
~ bree

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