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|| Addie's POV ||

We walked down stairs and I see Brooklyn staring at me. I roll my eyes and sit at the table. Dinner is quiet. They are just trying to make awkward tension. Like, seriously? Uggh. I finish my food, "May I go to my room now." My mom nods so I get up, dump my plate into the sink and storm upstairs. Tomorrow's Monday, it's almost 10 and I still have to shower, pick an outfit, and find out to do with my hair.

I decide to facetime Ryan, luckily he answers. "Hello love, are you alright?" I smile at the love thing, "Eh, we had a special guest at dinner, named Brooklyn. Whoop. Now it's almost 10 and i haven't figured out what I'm wearing or doing to my hair." Ryan nods, laughing. "Just curl your gorgeous purple hair and wear your skeleton leggings with a band shirt." He smiled and I returned the smile, "You know me so well. What would I ever do without you?" He shrugged and sighed, "Crash and burn, while looking like a total mess." I giggled. Man this boy is so cute.

We talked for about 30 minutes 'til I decided to go take a shower. "I'm gonna go and take a shower, I want you to get some sleep, alright?" Ryan shook his head, smiling. "I'll get sleep. I'll cuddle my pillow and pretend it's you to help me sleep." A blush sneaked it's way to my cheeks, "Awwe, well I better go before Shane takes the bathroom." Ryan rolled his eyes, I don't think he likes Shane to much. "Alright baby. I love you princess, sleep tight." My heart fluttered at that, "I love you too my handsome prince." He hung up and i went to take a shower.

|| Shane's POV ||

I forgot to tell Addison that Brooke was staying for the week because her parents were gone for a business trip. But i wasn't going to make her sleep in the same room as her. My dad is making Brooke sleep in my room on the couch in there. I hear the bathroom door close and lock, hearing Addison's music. Finally she decides to shower. I get in bed, turn my light off and start to drift to sleep.

~Monday Morning.~

|| Shane's POV ||

I wake up to sound of pounding on a door. "OPEN THE FUCKING DOOR BROOKLYN!" Oh god.. Addison. She hates it when people hog the bathroom. Especially around this time. I get up and look at the clock, '4:30' What the fuck? I walk up to Addie. "What the hell is going on?" Addison crossed her arms, "Your friend is hogging MY bathroom. She can't use yours?" I rolled my eyes, "You can't use mine?" She shook her head, "My curler is in my bathroom." I pound on the door, "BROOKE. OUT. NOW. GO TO MY BATHROOM." She opens the door and nods.

"I'm going back to bed. No more yelling." Addison nodded and I went back to bed and fell asleep.

|| Addison's POV ||

I went in the bathroom and warmed up my curler then got my clothes, putting them on. Once my curler was warmed up I started curling my hair, only taking about 10-15 minutes. After I was done, I went down stairs and saw Brooklyn watching tv as I walked to the kitchen. I grabbed some strawberries, poured sugar into a tiny glass bowl and made hot chocolate.

"So why are you here?" Brooklyn looked at me, "My parents are on a trip, and I needed a place to stay, I'll try to stay out of your way." I laughed inside. "Stay out of my room, clothes, food, shoes, bathroom, and away from everything that's mine and we'll be fine." I smiled an innocent smile then walked to my room.

~At school.~

Ugh. Shoottttt meeeee. I walked into my first period class. "Addison, we have a new student, I want you to skip this class since you are passing and show her around and help her with her classes. Okay?" I smiled, sweet no science! "Sure thing Coach. Who's the new girl?" After saying that I see a gorgeous girl with mintish looking hair walk up to me, "H-hi.. I'm Lydia.." I smiled, "I'm Addison, but you can call me Addie." She nodded. "How about we go get breakfast, the after the bell rings I'll show you around? Plus don't worry, I don't bite." She smiled, "Okay.. Let's get food?" I nodded, "Let's get food."

We walked down the hall to the cafeteria, "By the way, I love your hair." Awwe, I just got a compliment. "Thank you, I love your hair too." She blushed. "So Addie, what do you like?" She wants to get to know me..? Why..? "Erm I like bands, youtubers, Taco Bell, the dark.. It's calming, and a few people. Not like that I mean as friends. But I do like one guy." Her face lit up when I said bands. "I like bands and youtubers too! Taco Bell is alright and I'm not very social either."

We reached the cafeteria, "Lydia, I think we will be good friends." She smiled and nodded, "That we will."

|| Brooklyn's POV ||

I saw Addison walking with the new girl and instantly felt jealous. I miss Addie. I was also jealous of Addie. She's pretty, she pull of crazy colors and shit, she has a guy who is head over heels for her. Ugh. Why's she walking with the new kid anyway? She's not social.

~Bell rings, Addison shows Lydia around.~

|| Lydia's POV ||

Addison was looking at my schedule, "Okay well I'm going to show you a route to go. I have tech, science, art, music, and English with you." I smiled, I'm glad I have most classes with her so I have someone to talk to. "Alright, well shall we show me around?" She nodded, "We shall."

Addison was gorgeous. Her purple hair was so pretty, her lip ring, her style, I wish I looked like her. She looked at me, "Lydia, do you like MCR?" I lit up, "Like? No. I love them. They are amazing!" Addison giggled at my excitement, "Well... I'm going to a concert in two weeks. If we become real close, which we most likely will, then I'll get my mom to buy you a ticket." I smiled a big grin, "Thank you!!"

|| Addison's POV ||

I smiled at Lydia. I looked ahead of us and see Jacob walking towards us, "Let's go this way.." She made a puzzled expression then looked ahead and nodded, still confused but came with me. "Who's that?" She asked. I sighed, "Jacob, he ruined me and my best friends relationship. Me and her don't talk anymore because of him. Now he tires to control me.." We stopped walking and sat down. "Damn.. Been here for not even an hour and already know who the asshole of the school is." I laughed, seeing a shadow, towering over us. I look up and see Jacob, crap.

He smirked and sat by me, "Hey babe." He kissed my cheek. I smacked the side of his face and turned my head, looking at Lydia, "I'm not your babe. Get away from me." He rolled his eyes and slapped me, "Slut, you don't tell me what to do." I curled up in a ball holding my face where it stung.

|| Jacob's POV ||

After slapping Addison her friend got up with rage written all over he face, "What the fuck is your problem?! She did nothing to you!" I rolled my eyes, I'm not dealing with this shit. "She's Addison. She deserves every bad thing that happens to her." Addison was curled up in a ball, tearing up. Whatever. I walked away as her friend helped her.


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