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~The next day at Shane's place~

"YOU WHAT?!" Brooklyn yelled. Addison yelped and ran behind Shane. "I didn't do anything.. Jacob kissed me. I pushed him away. You can ask Shane.." Shane walked away getting food while Brooklyn walked up to Addison and slapped her "Skank!" Addison fell to the the floor with Shane running up to her, helping her up "BROOKE! She didn't do anything! What the fuck!?" Shane yelled at Brooklyn.

Addison stood up and spoke softly "It's fine.. I-I'm okay.." She walked away "I'll just be in Shane's room.." Brooke looked at Shane and cocked an eyebrow "You seem to be PRETTY close with Addison. Is there something you aren't telling me?" Shane looked over confused "What? No. Brooke, we told you what happened. And you fucking slapped Addison! Like what the hell!"

Brooklyn smirked "So? She's a skank." Addison walked in the room with an ice pack against her face "Addison are you okay?" Shane asked worried. Addison nodded "I'm fine.." Brooklyn rolled her eyes "Aww poor Addie. I'm so so sorry.. I didn't mean to slap you. But I did mean to call you skank." Brooklyn made a pouty face, mocking Addison.

Addison cleared her throat "I'm just gonna go.." Brooklyn laughed "Aww no stay. Shane needs you." Addison rolled her eyes and grabbed her coat "Bitch.." Shane hugged Addie "Go home. Both of you. I'll see you two tomorrow."

Addie walked out and ran home while Brooklyn walked slowly, feeling great about what she just did. When Addison got home she ran to her bathroom, bawling and her face stinging where Brooklyn slapped her. She went through her draws, finding her razor. She sat on the floor and let the razor free her of her problems. One. Two. Three. She sat there, feeling nothing. Then her phone buzzed..

Ryan😍❤️: Heyy princess, how are you?

Addison start shaking, feeling terrible.

Addieee😍: Heh.. I'm fine..

Ryan😍❤️: ...you're lying. I'm calling you.

He called her and they talked for a while. "Addie dear.. Tell me what's wrong.. Please." Addie sighed "This guy my friend is talking to kissed me then when me and Shane told her about it she slapped me and called me a skank.. So I went home.. And I cut.. Three times.." Ryan took a deep breath "Addison. I... I'm sorry.. Please don't cut anymore.." Addison sniffed "Okay.. I'll try to stop.. I gotta go.." Ryan smiled "Okay.. Night my Princess." Addison blushed "Night."

Addison brushed her teeth then looked through her closet to find something to wear for school. She sighed and decided to wear her ripped skinny jeans and a long sleeved shirt.

Afterwards she laid in bed looking through pictures on her phone, searching for a color to dye her hair. Until she finally fell asleep.

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