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Addison ran down the stairs in a tank top and sweatpants "Shane you wanna FaceTime Ryan now?" Shane got up and looked at her while walking to the kitchen "Yes. Are we gonna do that down here? Or are we going upstairs?" Addison turned on her heels "Errrmmm... Down here is fine. Closer to the kitchen!" Shane laughed and Addison's phone dinged.

Ryan😍❤️: Can we FaceTime now baby?

Addison squealed.

Addieee😍: Yes! Yes we can cx

Ryan called her and she smiled, answering the phone "Ello Love." Ryan said when they connected. Addison smiled "Ello! Ryan this is Shane. Shane, Ryan. And me! Addie!" Shane laughed at Addison "Hey Ryan. We've heard a lot about you." Addison covered Shane's mouth "SHUTUP SHANE!"

Shane removed her hand "Before you called she was squealing and her face turned into a tomato." Addison threw a carrot at him "Shut the fuck up! Gosh!" Ryan chuckled "You're so cute.." Addison blushed while Ryan's eyes widen when he realized he said that out loud "I mean... Addison, your hair is gorgeous. So what are y'all doing?"

Shane laughed "Addison I'll be right back." Addison nodded "Okay and thank you Ryan! We are just waiting for our parents to go out." Ryan nodded "Well tomorrow I'm getting my lip pierced." Addison took a deep breath, smiling big and laughed "Nooo don't. You'll kill me!!" Ryan laughed "I'm sorry baby.. I think you'll just have to deal with it." Addison squealed from the baby thing then just cleared her throat "Finneeee!!"

~One hour later.~

"Addison, Shane we are going out now." Addison's mother said while walking down the stairs "Okay momma. I love you." Shane yawned and sat on the couch "Bye guys." Shane's dad came down stairs "No parties, boys, girls, and stay out of each other's rooms." Shane rolled his eyes "We aren't going to do anything dad."

Ryan, still on the phone with Addison, cocked an eyebrow " What would you guys do?" Addison rolled her eyes as well "Nothing. Dad is just paranoid since me and Shane are going to be step-siblings." Ryan nodded "Ah, gotcha."

Their parents left and Addison sat by Shane and they talked for a while until Addison was falling asleep "Addie, I'm gonna let you sleep." Ryan chuckled and Addison and nodded, yawning. "Night gorgeous." Addison smiled "Night." And after that she fell asleep and Shane went to his room and went to bed.

~Two in the morning.~

Addison woke up, screaming and Shane ran down the stairs "Addie! ADDIE! What's wrong?! What happened?!" Addison, curled up in a ball, shaking spoke up "I-I had a
n-n-nightmare..." Shane went up to her and hugged her, trying to comfort her "Hey, it's okay. What happened in your nightmare?" Addison sniffed "You, Ryan, Mommy, and Daddy all left me... You all just killed yourselves.. One at a time.. And I watched everytime.."

Shane sighed and continued hugging her "It's okay.. Shh you're okay. I'm okay. Ryan's okay. Mom and dad are okay. If you want, we will call Ryan and mom and dad. Okay?" Addison nodded "Okay... Thank you."

They called Ryan "Hello?" Addison sighed in relief "Hey, you okay?!" Ryan yawned "Yes, why wouldn't I be?" Shane signed "She had a bad dream.." Ryan nodded "Well I'm fine. Tired, but fine." Addison smiled "Okay.. Well I'll let you sleep now.. Night." Ryan laid down "Night."

Addison hung up "Okay.. He's okay. I'm okay. You're okay." She nodded. Shane shook his head "You're tired. Go back to bed. In your room, please." Addison nodded "Sir, yes sir." With that they both walked up stairs and into their rooms and went to bed.

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