The Birth

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The Duck House, Montreux

"Have you got the car booked?" Monica called from the bedroom, zipping up the last of the baggage.

"Yes, but Roger offered with his rental car, you know." He rushed in.

"I know, but I don't want to bother him with his work, especially with the icy roads." She sat down on the mattress, her hand pressing onto the bottom of her spine.

"His new songs both sound the same," he lifted her bag. "A lot of metallic percussion... too much for my liking, actually."

"I thought More of that Jazz was good though."

"That's only because I'm not in it," He winked, helping her stand back up. "Anyway, he's too busy with his new missus to notice."

"Oh? Is that the one who is working for that entrepreneur we met at The Ivy? You know, the one with the beard?"

He nodded as he walked her out the door, "Richard Branson? Yes. He will never get anywhere if you ask me."

"Give him a chance! He seems rather ambitious, and his record store is good."

"Yes, but the thing about the hot air balloon... my god!"

She just laughed, "I didn't know you were afraid of heights."

"I'm not!" He whined.

"You're just jealous then?"

"No!" He marched out to the waiting car as the driver loaded bagging into the trunk.

"Oh, so you're just going to leave your heavily pregnant girl standing out in the cold then?" She crossed her arms playfully.

He groaned, and walked her to the car door so that she wouldn't slip.

"Thank you, dear gentleman."

He scoffed, getting in after her as she just giggled.

He slammed the door shut, anxious yet excited for the hours ahead...

Clinique des Grangettes, Geneva

The ride on the motorway laced along the north shoreline of Lake Geneva took up to two hours, but for Monica the scenery made it seem a lot quicker.

She took the window seat, the sparkling blue surface of the rippling water as the alpine sun hit it, boats a sailing on the icy breeze as rustic little houses that she'd only ever seen in story books and Disney films rushed by. Freddie slipped his arm around her as she gazed out through the glass.

"Remember this" he whispered in her ear, tenderly and continuously rubbing her bump.

She placed her hand over his and smiled, "I will."

He kissed her lips before leaning down to plant two kisses on her stomach.

When they finally arrived to the city, and the car weaved its way through the streets and to the private hospital they met Freddie's financial company manager Mary Austin waiting on the steps at the entrance, as expected and arranged.

"Were you here long, Mary?" He asked as he got out.

"Not long," the woman said. "I had time to fill you in... staff are on their way down to reception to escort you both to your unit."

"Oh good, thank you dear." Freddie nodded approvingly, putting his sunglasses on and opening Monica's door.

Mary winced a little at what she was seeing; the way he held his hand out and helped the girl step out of the car as she rolled her cable-knit cardigan sleeves down her arms, for she didn't have time to put on a proper coat. He protectively adjusted the pashmina shawl slung around her head, looking around to make sure there wasn't a prying paparazzo lurking behind a nearby lamppost or bus shelter as he walked her up the icy concrete steps.

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