Flashback filler-While I'm far away from you: pt 4

610 27 8

Stafford Terrace


Monica bolted upright in bed.

Goliath's slinky black figure sped through the bedroom door in the dark, Tom the heavy tabby chasing after him.

"Hey!" She hissed, switching the Victorian Tiffany bedside lamp on, "No fighting!"

The two tomcats growled at one another under her side of the bed.

"Wonderful, more wasted hours of sleep," she looked at her alarm clock which read half one in the morning, "The last thing that I need to lose right now"

She scrambled onto the carpet on her knees and bent down to them as their standoff continued, "If you're going to do that, go outside!"

Disinterested, they glanced over to her then back at one another.

They didn't stay hunched for long, for they suddenly threw their heads towards the door, their ears back in alarm.

"They must've heard another cat" Monica assumed, getting up to close the bedroom door before WWIII could commence under the bed.

But Tom and Goliath came out from underneath and rushed to the door in the way that they would if they were being fed.

"Somethings gotten their attention" she let the door open to a crack so that they could slip out.

She was about to shut it again when she heard the front door click shut below.

Instinctively, she rushed to the telephone to alert the police about the intruder downstairs, "Oh no, I did remember to lock the front door before bed, didn't I?!"

With shaking fingers, she dialled 999 as quietly as possible, and waited to be put onto emergency services.

"Freddie's going to kill me... oh god, I'm going to lose him forever. I should've known it was all too good to be true"

Her heart beat rapidly as tears of fright spilled, not lifting her eyes from the bedroom doorway as the dial tone played in her ear.

"I can't wait this long, they could've stolen something by now" she quickly put the phone back down and looked for the tallest object in the bedroom.

There was a battered acoustic guitar propped up inside the gap between the large mahogany wardrobe and the wall that looked like it'd make a good weapon. So she tiptoed across the bedroom and grabbed it swiftly before creeping across the moonlit landing.

She heard a man's hushed voice in the hallway where the light was on as she inched down each step, all ears.

"Oh no... there must be more than one! Who is he talking to?!" She panicked, stopping at the halfway level and hiding behind the bannister pillar.

She saw the one of the intruder's shadows slightly spilling across the floor to the wall, Tom calmly sitting on the bottom step with his tail in the air.

"How odd..." she quietly set the guitar down, "Tom hates strangers..."

She snuck around the corner more until the suspect was in her view, only to find that, with a toothy smile on his unshaven face, was cradling a purring Goliath in his arms, donned jet-lagged dark circles under his brown eyes, shaggy feathered black hair, a patent leather jacket and white satin pants. A small suitcase was standing by his feet which donned white platforms.


She barely heard herself cry out his name in joy, running down the staircase and into the light.

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