Sweet sister

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Garden Lodge

"How long?!" Kashmira Bulsara asked as she bounced her niece Roshni on her knee.

"You heard me, eight to ten weeks!" Monica patted Johnny's head as he slithered around the drawing room carpet.

"My god... can he wait that long?" Kash watched him as he followed one of the cats lingering by the sofa, dragging his plastered-up leg that now had several inkings from well-wishers with him.

"Probably not. He's like his daddy, he can't keep still." She stated nonchalantly and got up to take a toy from their play box in the corner of the room.

"Say what?!" The man happened to be walking into the drawing room from the kitchen, now dressed in his white promotional Flash Gordon t shirt and bleached denim jeans.

"Speak of the devil! You're meant to be at soundcheck!" Monica turned and watched as he leaned down to peck her lips before kissing his sister's cheek.

He childishly claimed, "Deaky isn't going. So why should I?"

"That's no excuse, I thought you were a perfectionist when it came to these things." She let his hand slip out of hers.

"...I trust Ratty and the rest of our crew to do what's best. The poor man has put up with my anal demands for years now." Freddie shrugged, and picked Johnny up off the floor.

"I'm not to sure that's the right word to describe your stubbornness in front of the children, Fred." Monica blushed as he propped the boy into his hip.

The man cackled, and Kash shook her head and tried to change the topic to something more innocent, "Nice hair, by the way. Has it gotten shorter since I last saw you?"

"Oh yes! Thank you. I just thought it'd be nice to have it up to my shoulders," Monica bashfully played with her hair. "It goes a little wavier on its own without I having to get a perm... also, I can't stand having a sweaty neck in the summer."

"Can't stand having a sweaty neck?!" Freddie exclaimed theatrically. "My god, how am I supposed to know if you're turned on or not, my dear?"

Monica gave him a playful whack on the bottom when Kash wasn't looking, and he gasped as Johnny laughed hysterically.

"More tea? Or coffee?" She quickly offered Kashmira before she had time to question her nephew's sudden outburst.

She sat up off her seat, "Of course, let me help clear this up."

"I'll do it," Freddie sat Monica back down, placing Johnny onto her lap gently. "I wouldn't mind preparing breakfast while I'm still here."

"Well, alright. You know where everything is, Kash?" She watched as she followed her brother out the door.

"I'll manage," His sister waved before entering. "Honestly, Fred. Making your baby sister do the dirty work!"

"Well you did offer!" Was all he could say before he vanished.

Phoebe entered the lounge seconds later, knocking on the door gently, "Monica?"

She lifted her head from their play mat, "Did you get the laundry done?"

"Yep, it's on the bed and ready to be sorted. I'm off to mark where I'm going to put the solar lights around the pond hole now before it begins to rain." The man started buttoning up his tattered plaid shirt which he kept for outdoor chores such as light gardening.

Monica stood up and brushed off her knees, "Thanks, you do that now then and I'll sort it out upstairs."

The man nodded and headed out the front door, leaving it unintentionally open...

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