24, Pt III

678 34 14

Garden Lodge

Lenny woke on the most comfortable mattress he'd ever slept on, in the biggest bed he'd ever seen...

"Look Johnny, he needs a shave"

"Do you think we should try shaving him before he wakes?"

"Let's look for daddy's shaving stuff!!"


...only to hear small voices in his ear, and feel two pairs of small hands tugging at his duvet.

"I think he's awake," one doubtfully whispered. "Let's find out"

The other hissed, "Johnny?! No!"

Lenny suddenly couldn't breathe, for something was clamping his nostrils together, causing his eyes to fly open.

Johnny let go of his nose as his uncle let out an audible gasp, and his niece and nephew, sitting atop the covers in their pyjamas, giggled as they slinked back to the bottom headboard.

Before he could greet them, Phoebe suddenly burst into the room, dressed in his usual chequered shirt, and to Lenny's aid, "You two aren't meant to be in here! Come on, out you come," he coaxed them off the bed as he made his way over. "Go and get mummy's birthday present from downstairs"

Lenny rubbed his sore, red nose as they excitedly ran out the door, and Phoebe held the door open.

He closed it after them, "I'm sorry about that. We probably should've advised you last night that it's a good idea to lock your doors before you go to sleep... unless you don't mind the odd cat or a child wandering in."

"It's fine, kids will be kids" Lenny rubbed his eyes and sat up.

"Yeah, well, let's say this pair keep things lively around here," Phoebe giggled slightly. "Anyway, I set up a breakfast table downstairs. Come down when you're ready."

"Uh, thank you" he humbly nodded, and Phoebe exited the room.

In the master bedroom suite...

Monica was coming to terms with the generous and expensive presents in the open box that she held in her shaking hands as she sat on her bed.

"A super 8... and a sound recorder?!" She lifted the Kodak box from the wrapping

Freddie squeezed her hand by her side, "I know that it's nearly ten years out of date and you'll only really be able to do home movies," he rubbed her cheek. "But with your new job and the children going to school and everything, I want you to do your own thing and prosper"

She felt tears, "You-You didn't have to buy it, you know, I-I was saving up for one myself."

"Save that money for a rainy day... or maybe a better camera for the future" he grinned.

"Oh Freddie," she placed he lid back on top and fell into his arms. "Thank you. I don't care how off-standard it is, this is the most thoughtful birthday gift I've received in years."

He wiped her teardrops, "You mean it?"

She nodded and snivelled happily, "I can't remember when a present last made me feel this way... not since the day our children were born"

He nuzzled her, "Another gift from me"

She giggled, "and the two most beautiful gifts I will ever be given"

He kissed her lips, and whispered, "Happy birthday, my love"

"I love you" she let out.

He rubbed her thighs, "I love you too," and mumured, "Are you ready for gift number two?"

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