Carrying Secrets?

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Morning time, Stafford Terrace, London...

"Good morning, babydoll" he kissed her lips.

"Mmm hello, sexy..." she murmured as her eyes opened.

He giggled and pulled her limp, naked body up against his, causing her to let out a groan.

He held her there for another minute as he struggled to wake up and feel the need to leave his warm bed.

"How about some wake-up music?" He said after a moment's silence.

"Hmm?" She shifted a little and propped up onto one elbow. "Ok, maestro."

He giggled and stepped out of bed and went over to the record player at the window, shifting his way through her collection of vinyls that she hadn't took out of the box since they'd arrived months before; she liked to keep her music separate to his. Monica was also given an opportunity to look at his naked body, which is what Freddie partially intended.

"What baby?" He stopped what he was doing and turned around with a smirk when he heard her giggles.

She shrugged and lay back down smugly, thinking about the way his black hair was a mess, his bangs spewed ever so sexily across his forehead. She couldn't resist the way it had indigo hues in the sunlight.

"So exotic" she thought. And the way he adorably squinted in the morning sun, his teeth poking out of his lips.

"How about this?" Freddie held up a record.

Monica could just about recognise the cover from where she lay.

"Loving you by Minnie Riperton?" She rubbed her eyes.

"It's soapy, little girl bubblegum pop I will admit," he said, causing her to blush as he lifted the needle and slipped the record from its sleeve. "But... the Capitol radio station played it the other day in the taxi when I popped out to get lunch and it made me think of you."

"Oh yes... it came out when I was about 17... Why?" She smiled as he strolled back over and climbed under the duvet to join her, the romantic and gentle birdsong as part of the recording beginning to fill the room.

"Because... its soft, it's sweet, it's gorgeous," he murmured as he looked at her intently, and she crawled over to him as he wrapped his arms back around her. "And it reminds me a bit of somebody I know."

"Oh?" She straddled him and tucked a wavy chocolate strand of hair behind her ear as he licked his full lips.

"Mhmm..." his breathing grew heavier as he moved his hands firmly up and down her sides, gazing up into her sparkling, blue eyes.

"Who?" She smiled and teased as she caressed his unshaven cheek, their lips in touching distance as Minnie's angelic voice sounded. "Who does it remind you of?"

Freddie smirked and broke their eye contact, pointing at one of the cats that happened to be reclining on the dressing table chair, "that lovely little darling over there."

"Oh you-you," she giggled as he chuckled before he pouted his lips for her to kiss them, and she obliged repeatedly, mumbling between each lip lock, "You're-such-a-bloody-good-tease!"

"Only joking love." He smiled as she stroked his lips gently. "Of course it was you, my soft, sweet and gorgeous girl."

"I'm all yours," she nuzzled him, and they giggled. "Yours for the keeping."

"Better be" she giggled, and she leaned down to kiss him as he rubbed his hands up and down her torso.

"You're so sexy when you do that" he breathed hungrily when they broke.

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