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It shouldn't matter that I wasn't born privileged
Because I was privileged enough to be born
And experience the world enough
To know what it felt like to be torn
And yet I wasn't warned
Because nobody told me how it felt to  hurt
And that what didn't suffice
Was being shoved in the dirt

My physical aches and bruises would go away
But the ones on my heart, mind, and soul would stay
Yet I'd still put up my front
And say, I'm okay

But I wasn't feeling like this because I was born in "the hood"
Or I wasn't born "privileged"
I didn't care, it was home
But the reason I was feeling so alone

Was because of society
Because of its proprieties
Because of the way it caged us
Even if this was the land of the free
The only one hurting couldn't be me

I dreamed of the day someone else would see
See all of the barriers that I could
And not conform to what society says you should
Because I wouldn't feel so alone
And we'd be the mountains
Contrasting to the grass that bows when the wind is blown

We'd help the world understand that this isn't normal
That those deemed powerful want you to follow the crowd
Because only individuals think out loud
And a world without individuals would be a world of slavery
They wouldn't call it that, but what else could it be.

Poems from the HurtWhere stories live. Discover now