An unexpected treat

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I began to fidget in the night. Pure excitement was keeping me from sleeping. 'I wonder what Zak's doing right now' wait why was I thinking that? Why did Zak spring to mind all of a sudden? again, I started feeling that fun but anxious sensation begin to tingle in my stomach. The thought of him being only a few steps away inside my cabin was enough to make me smile. "Oh my I falling for Zak? No don't be stupid. See now you're talking to yourself" frowning and pulling faces to myself, I realised how childish I was behaving. I laid there, sprawled on the couch whilst gazing into mid air. I began to notice the dog twisting his head whilst looking towards the door. "Leighton? What's up boy?" He was clearly hearing something. I pulled myself from out of my slouched couch position and sat up.

Great I was sat in my PJ shorts and belly top, armed with nothing but a pillow. I muted the TV and listened out for movement. A trudging sound on the gravel began to edge its way closer. I reached down to grab Leighton's chew toy as a weapon, like it would do much. All was silent until a light knock on the door made me shoot up from my seat. 'Who could this be?' I thought. Cautiously, I tiptoed towards the oak door which was masking my unknown visitor. I reached for the handle and braced myself. Pulling back the door, I looked up. The first thing I noticed was two blue eyes filled with dilated pupils, staring directly at me. The stranger leaned in slightly towards the light, the moon reflecting on his jet black hair. "Is this a bad time?" I knew the voice instantly. It was Zak.

A sense of relief consumed me. "No, no it's fine. Come in" I stepped aside to welcome him in. As he stepped up onto the doorstep, I realised how tall and broad he was. The smell of cold, damp night air had followed him in. The rustle of his jacket and clinks of his belt were the only sounds to be heard. "Would you like a drink? Wine? Beer?"

"Erm... I'll have a beer please"

"Take a seat" as Zak wondered into the living room, Leighton grabbed his teddy and scurried onto his bed in the hall. "I forgot to mention how lovely your home is by the way" he started to run his fingers along the fireplace top, touching photos as he did so. "Thanks, its a bit of a mess at the moment. I never have time to do housework" my cheeks began to heat up as I was telling him. "Its fine Georgia. Anyway, I'm here to see you not your-" he stopped in mid sentence, as if he'd realised what he had said. I grabbed his beer and walked over to him. He watched my every step to the point I was at his feet. I slowly began to seat myself. Purposely, I was tightly close to him, touching his knee with mine. The house was silent except from the occasional gulp from Zak. Our eyes were locked, again. My hand holding the glass of ice cold beer began to slide towards him. He clasped his hands around the glass and placed it beside him.

Not once had we broken eye contact or blinked. Dead silence crammed the air. We were no more than 8 inches away from each other. Face to face. The heat from his breath sent a hot tingle through my bottom lip. "Its...getting..." The sexual tension between us left me breathless. The two of us sat panting face to face. His eyes, half closed, and his mouth creeping closer to mine. "You... Should.. Probably get goin-" I couldn't finish my sentence because before I knew it, a pair of hot, soft lips had pressed themselves against mine. So quickly that they'd missed slightly and caught the side of mine. They were the perfect moisture. My eyes drifted shut. The tickle and prickle of his stubble sent endorphins surging under my skin. Our lips crossed and intertwined like ballerina legs. We both gasped now and then to catch our breath. We had both developed a rhythm, a motion, flowing in sync. His hand shifted gently from his lap to the tip of my knee.

As our motion got faster and more intense, his hands began to tremble whilst gliding between my thighs. My hand reached up to caress his cheek. Whilst doing so, he lowered his kiss and took a seductive bite of my bottom lip. The surprising move caused me to moan slightly. The hand that was running between my thighs then slipped towards my groin. I pulled back in hesitation. "Should we be doing this? I don't think-" I licked the taste of him from my upper lip. "I'm sorry. That was completely unprofessional. My bad" he suddenly began avoiding eye contact. "No it wasn't you, I didn't help-" we were both embarrassed. "I should get going. I mean its getting late.." He stood up sharply, brushing himself down. I rushed towards the door to open it, making sure not a single minute more was wasted.

"Goodnight Georgia" he stepped out and leant in for a kiss before realising that that wasn't the best idea. "Night, Zak" I smiled slightly and shut the door as he tiptoed back to his cabin. 'What the fuck just happened?' I could still feel my body shivering from being near him. I felt unsatisfied, like he needed to complete the craved tension. My mind was in two places at once. I thought it best to lie down. So I dragged my shook up legs to my cold bed. I laid there wondering what we would have been doing if I hadn't of stopped. What would the next day have brought me? The open window in my room was directly opposite the cabins. Although I was cold, something prevented me from closing it. I slithered beneath my sheets and let the quilt collapse on top of me. As a gust of air wafted up, I smelt him, his smell spread across my face and those feelings came tumbling back. He was on my mind and nothing was going to shift him. All through that night I hesitated. 'Do I go over there? No don't be stupid, he's probably sleeping' I eventually nodded off but that didn't clear my thoughts or the replay of what had just happened.

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