2 Days Later

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Georgia -

This was a whole new world, the smell, the sounds, the people; it was all so new. England was all I ever knew and stepping outside of my small, country village to the city of Las Vegas was... different to say the least. My first two days in the new world were not full of tourism and sight seeing, I spent my first day in a hotel and slept for 12 hours; jetlag had defeated me. But the second day was planned by Zak.

"Okay, I have a meeting with the editing team tomorrow so this is our chance to get you settled" he informed me as we queued in the traffic. "Settled?"

"Well, comfortable, we'll plan things properly as soon as we get a break together" he patted my leg with reasurrance. I peered around to see a shrine of lights and skyscrapers like glass giants above me, a faint thumping of club music could be heard from the busy Vegas strip. But there was a sound that dominated this party beat "What the fuck was that?" I jumped out of my skin.

"Oh that? Thunder" Zak chuckled to himself.

"That's no thunder, Zak, that's... that's... loud" I couldn't catch my breath.

"Yeeeaah... Vegas thunder isn't exactly like British thunder" he smirked.

"No shit" I, too, grinned after the shock settled. In the back of the car was a stack of bags with names I didn't recognise amongst my suitcases. "Zak?"


"What's with all the bags?" I watched his eyes flick to the rear-view mirror. "Oh... mmm... I bought you a few things, you know, 'cuz you didn't bring much with you when we left in a rush. Hope you don't mind?" I reached behind to the backseats and rummaged through the pile. "Tiffany's?!" Zak jumped out of his seat as I squealed.

"What? What's wrong? You don't like it?" he panicked and stammered but had to keep his eyes on the road. I opened the paper bag to find a black dress neatly tucked inside. "No... no... I... I love it. I'm just flattered that you'd spend so much on... me" my heart raced heatedly with gratitude. He only sighed and didn't respond, I sat back in my seat and beamed like a Cheshire cat. Before I knew it, we were driving down a private estate where the houses were individual and unique, garden features towered above the trees and steel gates sealed the seperate properties from the public path.

The car slowed to a drive with a large weeping willow planted in the center of a spread of wild flowers. The house was built from ancient stone but modified with eccentric, glass panes that opened the building completely. It was enormous and stood out from the rest of the houses. A white sports car was positioned perfectly near the greek-styled fountain and gargoyle statue. "Looks like we're home alone" Zak pulled up alongside the sports car, there was one light on in the entire house. "Why, aren't we normally?"

"My assistant normally stays and helps with a few things between filming" he tackled with the front door key as his busy hands juggled the shopping bags. "What's her name?" I sucked my teeth.

"You're assuming my assistant is female? Isn't that stereotyping?" it wasn't difficult to pick up on my reaction and he certainly milked it. I raised my eyebrows in the silence, waiting for an answer. Eventually he sighed "Okay, okay, her names Jocelyn but trust me when I say she is only my assistant, plus she's only like... 19" at last, he had the door open. "19? Zak! That's even worse"

"Why is it?" his voice pitched with confusion.

"Because... because she's young and beatiful and energetic and enthusiastic and... and she has a nice name for God's sake" admittedly I was being dramatic but what was I supposed to do when I just found out a 19 year old is working in his life and home.

"Now come on, you haven't even met the girl, that's a bit of a mad assumption from the very little info that I've told you-" he stopped in midsentence. A sharp tapping sound was making its way towards us. It was coming from the tiled flooring in the kitchen. Zak was quiet and motionless. "Grace?" he called.

"Grace? Who the fuck is-" I was cut short by a small black and white figure as it came trotting in my direction. The small figure had long whisps of soft hair and soppy, brown eyes that engulfed your soul just by looking at them. "So this is Grace?"

"Gracie. She's my baby girl" he knelt down to fuss her. She kissed and nudged at his face as if she hadn't seen him for years. "She's beautiful" I tickled behind her ears "She 19 too?" I teased.

"Very funny" thankfully, he didn't take my jokes to heart. As we stood up, the true size and beauty of his home hit me, it smelt of sweetness and forest incense sticks. "Oh yeah, Welcome to my humble abode" he invited with pride, there was an instant feeling of comfort and warmth and it felt... right. Zak gave me a tour of the place but purposly avoided one side of the house "Please avoid these rooms at all costs" he told me, I listened of course. Eventually we had found ourselves in the last room; Le Boudoir.

"...And finally, our room" The super king-sized bed was framed with real leather and three feet off the ground with cushions and blankets covered in silk. 'Our room?' I thought to myself, masking the grin across my face. As I stepped in, my toes sunk into the plush carpet and faux-fur-rug that layed below the bed. A blazing heat roared from a rather large fireplace on the opposite side, the crackle of the fire was the only sound to be heard.

Zak circled me and watched as I took in my surroundings, I was simply fascinated by the decor and characteristic of the place. Yet at the same time, I wasn't surprised, this home described Zak and captivated everything about him. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath in, this environment gave me shudders, but in a satisfying way. He slipped his fingers in between mine and linked our hands, his pulse was pounding through his skin and his pupils were dilated like that of a barn owl. I knew this look. He managed to look deep into my soul with them burly, grey eyes and that enticing stare. His eyes began to drift shut as he leaned in towards my neck, I could hear each and every breath as it whispered on my skin, the whiskers on his chin would catch and trigger a shiver down my back as they tickled and brushed against my collar bone. My knees adopted a quiver and they grew weak as he persisted. The true broadness of his shoulders blocked the only light that peered into the room from outside. The hand I had free ran through the small wisps of hair at the top of his neck, they felt like silk threads between my finger tips, the same hand then trailed down his back and traced the hardness of his body.

He moved his kiss up then down, then up and across to my mouth. I just happened to open my eyes as he paused, a crease between his brows had formed as he frowned. "Zak?" I looked up at him, my full attention targeted at his reaction. He dropped my hands and turned to face the door, "just wait here, I think someone's downstairs". No chains or restraints would have held me back, of course I followed him. The house was so large, I couldn't remember which doors to go in or avoid; there was one black door with a white knob, just waiting there at the bottom of the hall. Just as my hand reached for it... "Mr Bagans would appreciate it if his guests would not trespass in places that are none of their business" a voice blurted out from behind me, I span around on the spot to find a woman standing there. She had long red hair, pale skin and exotic green eyes. The delicate freckles across her nose didn't age her but instead made her look youthful. She had a slightly square jaw and a small, thin body. She raised one eyebrow with arrogance and impatience.

"Sweetie, it's okay. It was just Gracie scratching to go out" Zak's masculine figure filled the doorway behind her. She turned quickly, as did I. Her voice suddenly went pitched and flirty "Don't worry about me, Zak, I'm used to her doing that".

"Errmmm... I was talking to Georgia, actually" his face was puzzled but not as much as hers. The snide look was soon wiped off of her face as he reached for my hand. I made sure her and I made eye contact as he took me under his arm. "You must be the assistant" I smirked as we walked passed, knocking into her.

Deer in the headlights (Zak Bagans story)Where stories live. Discover now