The surprise guests

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Last night was chaotic but Sarah and I managed to close up early and get everyone out in time to spread signs saying 'temporarily closed' this gave me chance to take a break, well sort of. One thing I hadn't asked Sarah was what time they were arriving? how many of them were there? where would they stay? and for how long?

"Listen Georgia, I've had an urgent phone call. James has asked me to cover his shift at the restaurant this morning-"

"What? But what about-" I interrupted.

"I'm sorry Georgia but I owe him a favour, you'll be fine and don't worry!" Before I could even say goodbye, she had grabbed her keys, jumped in her 4x4 and drove off. She's so lucky having James, he'd done so much for her. I had little time left to waste so I dusted off my honey toned dress and started to head back. My home was no more than 200 yards away from the farmhouse which made my life easier. As I unclipped the rusty chain from around the big gate leading to my drive, I couldn't help but notice this heavy and almost demonic growl. I paused and so did the growling. As I quickly rushed through the small gap available at the same time, a gigantic black shape came bounding towards me with a dirtied, stuffed teddy wedged in its mouth. "Hello boy!"

I flung my arms out as the creature skipped towards me in a joyful manner. We ran to the front door, the both of us jumping and hopping about like the usual routine. "Oh boy, we best top your water up" I leant over him and reached to pick up his cauldron sized water bowl. Casually pacing myself, I walked into the kitchen to fill the bowl when I heard a scurry of feet and gravel pinging off the ground. "What the-" I carried on filling the bowl. An unusual sound then caught my attention. It was a man's voice; deep and foreign.

Zak -

After hours of travelling we had finally reached it. It was a lot more deserted than I had imagined. Not a soul in sight. The three of us had arrived earlier than planned. "Hey Zak try this little house here" Aaron suggested as we trudged down the country lane. "Does she know we're coming? Is this even the right place?" Nick had a point, where is everyone? I leant over a long green gate to unhook the rusted clip. I'd barely moved when this massive black beast came pouncing from around the corner. "JESUS!" I leapt backwards, almost crashing into the others, my heart thudding in my chest. The dog stared me in the eyes as it proceeded to growl. "He won't bite!" A small voice called in the distance "he's a big softy". A 5'8", hour-glass figure appeared from out of the doorway. Her skin was a strong tan tone and her hair was full of brown to golden blonde curls that fell onto her shoulders. She was wearing a long summer dress that clung to her curved figure. "Hi...I'm...I'm Zak, we're from the ghost adventures crew" I stuttered, attempting to call over to her, trying to top the noise of growling. She peeked beneath her hand as she blocked the sunlight and headed towards us. "Hello Zak, I'm Georgia" her pure English accent immediately caught my attention. She eventually moved her hand and I was then able to get a closer look. Her eyes, so deer-like; big and brown with long, curly eyelashes. Lips so perfect and filled. Her smile grew across her face as she was waiting for me to introduce the others. "Umm...right...yeah. This is Aaron and this is Nick. The others will be here later"

"Okay well welcome, Aaron, Nick and Zak" she said my name a lot softer and held her gaze as she did so. "The dog, what breed is she?"

"He's a great Dane" she smiled down towards him. I felt embarrassed for getting his gender wrong considering he had genitals bigger than any man's. " come inside, I won't bite. But I dunno about the dog" she winked at me and opened the gate. "But she...said-" the look of concern on Aaron's face amused me. "Aaron, she's teasing" I laughed.

Georgia -

These American guys were so polite, either that or I was just use to ill mannered pigs. I lead them to the living room but before we got there - Oh shit! I had just remembered that I'd left my bras to dry on the couch and all three were in front of me so I couldn't move them in time. I had to improvise, fast. Zak had already stepped into the living room before I could say "hey guys, I best give you a tour of the farm house!" I felt the small adrenaline surges run through my body. "That would be awesome. I mean, if you don't mind?" Zak called from the other side of the door frame. His voice was followed by his head peeking from around the corner. His mysterious blue eyes left me staring for what seemed like years. Our eyes were practically locked. "Well shall we be going then?" Aaron suggested as he helped Nick set up his camera. "Ermm...yes this way guys" I shook my head to wake myself up. The whole daydreaming occurrence had become an issue all of a sudden, I needed to stop. "Great! Well me and Nick will head off to the van and unload the gear." Aaron jabbed a thumb in the direction of the drive and made his way with Nick, avoiding the dog on the way.

It was just Zak and I. The two of us began to slowly stroll to join the others. "Georgia, do you know of any hotels or...?" Just hearing him say my name sent a flutter through my chest. "The nearest hotel is at least 20 odd miles away." I said without realising the problem that it had caused. I glanced over at him just as I noticed his face drop. "Fuck!" He said under his breath. "There's no hotel but I do have 4 log cabins behind the house..." My eyes flicked towards his direction. His face lit up and he stopped in his tracks. "Georgia, I could just kiss you right now. Thank you so much!" I myself couldn't help but smile from his reaction. His grin was somewhat goofy but very cute. I actually felt quite comfortable with this American stranger. "We'll have to stay a few days anyway. The journey here's got the better of us. You know? Jet lag and all." He mumbled as if hesitant. I nodded and acted like I wasn't fazed. "Shall we continue?" I casually proceeded and strolled past the now ecstatic being. "Great! I'll run and tell the guys"

Zak -

I wasn't tired at all. In fact, I was use to staying up for long hours and barely sleeping but I wasn't gonna tell her that. To be honest I began thinking up excuses to stay longer, not realising what I'd have to say to the guys. "Hey guys listen, we've had a change of plans. Turns out we're staying longer" I had to think of something.

"What!? We can't stay longer, it will cost a fortune at the hotel" Nick didn't seem too pleased. "That's why Georgia's offered us her log cabins for free" I smirked knowing their reactions would be dramatic. "Ah dude, that's awesome!" Aaron yelled from inside the truck "but why are we staying longer?" He and Nick stood patiently waiting for a response. Shit! I had to improvise. "Umm...because I have a feeling this one's going to be major" the boys' smiles grew bigger and for a second I believed they'd fallen for it. "More like Zak wants Georgia to join him on lock down..." The two of them started giggling and whispering as if I wasn't there. "Don't be stupid you guys. She's a nice person" as much as I tried to not blush, it clearly wasn't working. "Ooo Zak's blushing. We saw you checking her out when she was bending down" Aaron had caught me out and I was struggling to hide this one. "I'm not blushing. It's hot in here. Aren't you hot?" I lied, terribly. Admittedly she had a stunning figure and the ass of a goddess so of course I was going to have a sneak peek.

"I think it would be nice to at least invite her just to see if she triggers anything" Nick began to consider using her as a trigger object. "Yeah Zak's pants!" The two of them burst out into laughter when a voice appeared "what's tickled your fancy?" Georgia was standing right behind me. "Erm... Erm... Nothing has- How long have you been standing here?"

"Around the time these two found something amusing" her face looked concerned, perhaps she assumed we were laughing at her. She quickly changed the subject. "By the way I've prepared the cabins for you. Here are the keys" she hand me three key chains and began to head off. "Wait! Georgia! Zak wants to ask you something, don't you Zak?" Nick stared me in the eye with a slight head tilt. I sighed knowing I wasn't going to escape this one "how would you like to join us on lockdown tomorrow night?" Surely she couldn't refuse.

"Are you kidding? I'd love to!" She almost leapt slightly, which was cute. To be honest, I almost did too. "Great! Well we best unload our things and get ready for a hectic day" it was now evident I wanted her to join us thanks to my Cheshire cat grin.

Georgia -

'Wow to think I will be joining these guys on an investigation'. I couldn't help but think that it wasn't the ghost hunting that I was interested in, I felt like a kid who knew they were going to a circus the following day. I was over the moon!

Deer in the headlights (Zak Bagans story)Where stories live. Discover now