The dawn after

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Zak -

I couldn't lie to myself and say last night was a blur because I remembered every detail like it was engraved on my brain. I honestly didn't want to forget it. I wondered if Georgia was going through the same thing. The sun began to rise and its rays started to creep into my room as if they were sneakingly trying to wake me up. "C'mon man! Let's roll! We've got a busy day ahead of us" Nick loudly called from his cabin window. I then heard my door snatch open followed by heavy boots clomping on the wooden floor boards. "Hey Zak, its me Aaron" his head peeked around the corner as I heaved myself up from the scrunched position I'd found myself in. "Listen man, this place is fucking creepy dude. Last night I heard footsteps and talking but I knew you and Nick were asleep" his eyes widened as he got carried away in his story. "How do you know it wasn't Georgia?" I had to act like I was thinking logically. "Zak it was a guy's voice. Swear down!" I believed him. Of course I believed him, not because its Aaron but because that voice was mine. I couldn't tell him that. "Great, well that's a good start" I squeezed past him to ensure that he'd stop talking about it and finally change the subject. As I jumped down from the cabin step, Nick was directly ahead of me.

"So you finally got up now?" Nick was smug about his early bird status but then again we were always competing against each other. "Did Aaron tell you about what he heard last night?" Nick grabbed me on the shoulder to stop me from walking off. "Yeah. Sounds like the spirits in this place are waiting for the show to begin" I swung my rucksack over my back and started to head towards the farmhouse. "More like someone needs to keep business separate from pleasure..." Nick loudly said from a couple of feet away. He knew. Of course he would. I turned towards him. "Zak I've known you for what, 10 years now? I know what you're like and I know you're never this distracted to ignore what could have been potential evidence" his expression told me he knew something was up. "I'm just saying man, be careful. Just don't do anything stupid!" I was grateful that Nick was looking out for me but I knew I could handle my social life perfectly fine.

Nick had already ran ahead to the farmhouse to film the introduction before I'd realised I was still standing there, staring into mid air. I soon snapped out of my daze when I heard a door snatch open. I turned sharply in the direction of the noise to find Georgia stepping outside. My heart raced and I found it difficult to swallow all of a sudden. She hadn't noticed me yet but awaiting her greeting was becoming awkward. Just as she turned on the spot, I quickly looked away to avoid eye contact; that was my weakness. Still looking away, I began hearing her footsteps approach me. "Zak?" A soft, small hand caressed my forearm. "You alright? You seem quiet." She circled me until we were face to face. "Yeah, yeah I'm fine...just-" I struggled to fabricate.

"Listen, I'm heading up to the farmhouse now. If you want a personal tour, you're welcome to one." She paid no attention to my blabbing and walked on.

Deer in the headlights (Zak Bagans story)Where stories live. Discover now