A Few Weeks Earlier...

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It was odd. Being the way that he was now, and not really knowing what the future held for him and his family. But since the others had come, he'd realized that their was a chance for a future, for all of them, if they could survive the zombies in the first place. The way that Sage looked at Zane, there was no doubt in his mind that his sister was head over heels in love with Zane. But what about me, I thought. I was different, always had been.

This new world had dramatically lowered the dating pool, and I wanted something more, wanted someone. I wanted my chance at a future. And the feelings that I had, especially now, I shuttered at the thought of them as they raced through my body. I'd never expected this, I'd wondered, but this was more than I'd considered, truly. Shaking my head, I really needed to talk to Sage, but there'd been no time.

The stronghold was growing, and the mouths to feed were expanding. They needed supplies if this was going to work. And frankly, they needed answers. All of this intrigued me, and my mind was sharp. It was time to expand out farther. To see if we could find some answers to what in the hell was going on, and what had happened to their world.

Larien walked up from behind, quiet and dangerous. “They've given their approval. We can head out as soon as we are ready to go.”

His arm brushed close to mine. I tilted slightly in the confined area. “It won't take us long. Supplies are ready. We just need to make sure we have a solid plan of action, set in place.” I whispered.

He laughed, a quirky, masculine sound. “You've done a good job with the map you laid out. We are more than ready to go. Are you afraid?” He whispered back to me.

I hated it. The thrill, the jolt as it shot through me. “I am not afraid of anything.” I said back stubbornly!”

“We'll see.” He said as he stocked back out the entrance, laughter following in his wake.

“I show you!” I said. More to myself, than to him. I'd show him exactly whom I was. Even if I wasn't so sure of that myself just yet. The cities. They'd be heading into danger, and the thrill of that gave me a rush. I'd find answers. I had no doubt. Finding myself along the way, appeared to be the quest as well.

©2014 Aelfwynn MacGregor, AMB

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