Somewhere in the Darke...

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Running, running in such fear. The fear pounding in my veins, running through them like icy dread. My stomach muscles clenching. Why was this happening? I was in the dark. The safety of the darkness. I had survived so much! I kept running, felt the pain in my calves, felt as they continued upward into my thighs. I'd been running forever.

I'd survived so much. Gone. Everything was gone. Homes, family members...friends. I'd survived so much...and I started to slow down...I'd survived so much...and I was alone...

Why was I still running? I felt myself slowing. Felt the moderate relief of the burning in my legs. The howls behind me were still blood curling, closer and vicious. And I slowed more. Why was I stillrunning?

I was alone...

There was no one any longer. There was no one left. I was alone. And I stopped...

I could feel the blood pumping. The pounding in my ears. The pain of the exertion lessening. I took a deep breath as the howls drew closer. Why was this happening? It was dark. Dark was safety.

I stood my ground as it drew nearer. Moving at a speed that blurred for its size. Topping 7 foot easily. It was terrifying.

But I was no longer afraid. I stood my ground. The adrenaline in my body returned to normal and I stood without moving as it finally reached its mark. Me.

I would die tonight. Die alone here and in this place. But I no longer felt fear from death, only acceptance.

The monster was groutesque. This zombie was not right, was brutal. And as it came to stop 3 feet in front of me, I listened as it unleashed a growl of rage, of hatred into the world that was beyond blood curling. It was furious and I stood my ground.

Copyrighted 2014, Aelfwynn MacGregor, AMB

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