Day 10: As Follows...

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I knew I should be frightened. I probably should have screamed my frickin head off. As it was, out of habit, I leaned back as far as I possible could into the sink counter, could feel the metal and ceramic digging into my flesh. She came at me.

I knew it was Sasha. Mentally I knew it was her...but? Number one, she was walking, running. Just days before, she could barely stand up without toppling over or plopping on her butt. And as she cleared the door frame, she literally jumped and soared into my arms. I caught her instinctively, then pulled her close and breathed in the scent that was distinctly her. It was an explosion of senses, like I could taste the smells as much as I could smell them. No fear. I felt no fear.

She was her, but she wasn't. She was different as different as my Mom was now. They were lean, catlike. Their arms and legs looked...longer. Their fingers were extended, dexterous. Their faces were the same, their eyes were huge. It was like they'd been "pulled" leaner. It wasn't terrifying, it was just different. And agile, Sasha had literally jumped into my arms from six feet away! I looked down at myself. And I realized that I was the same. That explained my quick movements, I guessed. I held onto Sasha with one hand as I extended the other arm out in front of me. I felt smooth, quick. I also felt the power that seemed to ripple under the surface. I was powerful. I could feel it.

I looked back over to Mom, she was standing close to me now. "How?" I wasn't even sure what question to ask her.

She shook her head. I could see the way her thoughts went through her, one after another before finally ending with, "Evolution."

I shook my head. "Are the boys back yet?"

"No. I'm worried. What if...what if they went through this as well? Out there? We are going to have to do something."

I shook my head in agreement. "Have there been any of them around, the zombies? What's been happening since we...started changing?"

"There hasn't been much that we can find out. The television is out. Only the emergency broadcast is available, and they aren't broadcasting anything. There was some gunfire last night, it was a pretty good ways off, but I haven't seen anything yet."

"How are our supplies?" I asked.

"Good. We were pretty well stocked before this happened. But I want to go to the Branson farm. It has been abandoned since they passed away in the second strain. I know they have barbed wire, they used it in their chicken coups. We need to put it up around the fences. And we can get anything else they might still have lying around. We'll have to use the truck loader."

"We have the double barrel shotguns and the hand guns..."

"Ok." I smiled. "Let's go!"

We are so not normal...I admitted to myself.

© 2014, Aelfwynn MacGregor, AMB

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