Chapter Twenty Seven - Ruined

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                        - Johns Pov -

  "Brad, meet me at Jags. I've had a shitty day and want to drink it away."  I called Brad around 7pm, Once that bitch and her spawn officially ruined my life in court, I had no choice but to make some calls and find a place to live in Mobile. Sending me to where the very culprit works is beyond stupid on their part, they can keep me from my family but they can't keep my from my employee. I was determined to make his life a living hell and while I'm at it fucking his girlfriend the way he did my daughter behind my back. He would pay for ruining my life, so would they. 

Brad met me at the bar with a beer ready for me, he knew some of what was going on but not much details just that I was getting a divorce. He had came to be a pretty decent friend to me in my time of need, he also kept me in the loop with what's going on at the office. I know I need to stop being so bitter and focus on fixing my reputation that they ruined, I need to get my head back in the game. 

"So, Bill and V were there today and they were sitting with your family... That's fucked up, I wonder if something is going on between them?"  Brad questioned while taking a big gulp of his beer. Shrugging my shoulders I did the same, it wouldn't surprise me. 

"Maybe, I can transfer to Mobile with you? I want to be your second in hand man. You know I can do it!"  Brad was a hard worker but the thing I've learned about him is he is a major kiss ass, I hate people who hover and suck up to the boss.  "Yeah, it's not up to me. I highly doubt Bill would transfer you anyway, he needs you here."  I was seriously regretting inviting him out for drinks, debating on whether I want to call it an early night or just suffer through his annoying presence and down my alcohol.  "Can I get a whiskey straight? Make it a double."  I told the bartender, he nodded and went to making my drink. The shots kept coming as the later the night got, the more I had the less Brad was annoying and the anger was getting duller.  "Why did my daughter have to be a slut?"  I asked mostly to my drunken self, forgetting who was around with prying ears.  "What exactly happened? When we had that family event for work, you all seemed like the perfect happy family."  I couldn't help but to scoff at his thoughts.  "One word. Brendon."  I seethed his name out, I would love to watch him be ruined the same way I was being ruined and I intended to do just that.  "Woah... Brendon hooked up with Sutton?! How did I know he had something to do with this? Maybe it's because he got sent away right after she started working there. God, what a whore... She didn't even know him, ha... maybe I can get a turn."  He muttered the last part, all I could see was red at his words.  "What the fuck did you just say?!" I yelled pushing him off his barstool, he fell to the ground with wide eyes.  "I was joking! I would never do that to you, John!"   I stood over his cowering frame.  "I don't give a damn if it was a joke! That is my fucking daughter you joked about! She's already been tainted by one sick pervert and I'll be damned if you even think about her in that matter."  By now we had drawn the attention of everyone in here, I knew it was time to go so I quickly paid my tab and stormed out into the night.

Two police officers met me outside the house first thing the next morning, this was definitely a hard moment for me. I just couldn't understand how we went from being this happy family to me turning out the bad guy getting the boot from my own family. Katie wasn't there, I didn't really expect Sutton to be but I did kinda hope that Kate was, maybe I could see if she really wanted this to happen or if she was being forced into this.  The officers stayed in the living room as I went into the bedroom to gather my stuff only to find that it was already packed, I gathered my stuff and took it all into the living room. "Would you like me to take it out to your truck for you, sir?" One of the officers asked, I nodded and handing it off to him.  "This fucking sucks."  I muttered and the remaining officer gave me a sympathetic smile, ignoring him I went into my office only to find that the once white walls were now purple. All my stuff that I had in my desk were packed neatly into a box, she must really want me gone for good.  Looking around to make sure I had everything that belonged to me, I found a picture of us as a once happy family, noticing that both of their smiles were fake. Had I really been that horrible to them?  It's to late now to change anything, sitting down in my office chair I placed my head in my hands. There was never a moment in my life where I have wanted to cry until now, this isn't fucking fair! I've done anything and everything for them but it still wasn't enough, the one time I fucked up and they wash their hands of me taking me for all I'm worth.  "John?"  Kate's sweet voice filled the room, I looked up to see a hesitant look on her face.  "Katie..." her eyes softened as she walked closer but stopping short when she realized what she was doing.  "You're crying?" She asked confused, quickly wiping my face I realized that I was.  "Yeah, because this fucking sucks! I'm losing everything that meant anything to me and it really fucking hurts, Katie."   She swallowed hard fighting back her own tears, looking past her I seen one of the officers standing there with his arms crossed. "John, you made your choices. No one forced you to act the way you did and no forced you to sleep with someone else."  The anger in me was beginning to rise. "You both were ungrateful for everything I did for you two! Yeah, I slept with someone else because she made me feel wanted!"  She laughed, she straight up laughed! "I wanted you and I tried all the time with you, you were always just too busy or too tired! So try another lame excuse but I'm telling you right now that none of them will justify anything. I'm sorry if you can't comprehend why it's turned out the way it has but maybe this should be your wake up call to stop thinking about yourself." With that she walked out of the room telling the officer that she'll be in her garden. 

  Alabama here I am, Mobile will be my new home for a while. I took my last box up into my new studio apartment, it felt empty and not like a home should feel at all.  I wasn't due to go into the office until later on today, Dustin and I were supposed to meet and go over the Mobile offices system and see if we can update it and get it back on track. Pulling out my phone I sent a text to Brooke. "I'm in Mobile, drinks later?" I wasn't really expecting a response back but I knew that since she knew I was here would definitely put some fear into her. "Time & place?" My phone dinged causing me to smile. "I'll let you know, going to the office soon." Now I know she's definitely freaking out a bit, after unpacking my stuff and putting my clothes up I quickly dressed and headed to the office. "You must be mr. Carlile! Mr. Morris told me we'd be expecting you." I nodded my head and reached out my hand for hers. "Indeed I am, and you are?" She blushed taking my hand. "I'm Cara, Mr. Morris and Mr. Laurence's assistant." His name coming out of her mouth made my blood start boiling. "If you give me a moment, I will call and let them know you've arrived." She quickly picked up her phone and spoke softly into it. Shortly after the man I wished to destroy was standing in front of me with a smug smile on his face, oh how I wanted to slap it off. "Ah! John, such a pleasure to see you again!" I tried, I really tried to keep the scowl off my face but it just wasn't happening. "Where's Dustin?" I ignored his pleasantries. "If you'll fallow me into my office, he will be joining us momentarily." Scoffing I shook my head gritting my teeth. "I don't think that would be very smart, Brendon." Out of the corner of my eye I could see Cara looking between the two of us confused and a little scared. "And why is that, Mr. Carlile?" He was trying to provoke me. "Because I'm still tempted to bash your head in." I muttered trying not to make a scene, he just chuckled and patted my shoulder. "Ah! I thought that when I left we'd be on good terms? I guess seeing as how you're life is now a shit show.... I could see why you'd want to take it out on me." His smile was still big but his eyes were daring me to make a move, just one wrong move and I'd completely lose everything and he knew it. I couldn't keep my temper in check for much longer and the longer I'm in this assholes presence the harder it was getting to not strangle him. "Tell Dustin that I will see him in the morning. 8am sharp." I said turning to Cara, she just nodded then looked over at Brendon who gave her a curt nod as well. "Well, it was great to see you again!" Brendon said patting my shoulder once more then turned walking off.

I had sent Brooke a location and told her to meet me as soon as possible, so while I was waiting for her I had a couple of shots of whiskey to calm me down. "What the fuck do you think you're doing?!" She whispered angrily, I just held up a drink and smiled. "Oh, little ol' me?! Well, darling I'm having me a couple of drinks while embracing my new hometown." Her eyes narrowed in slits, I knew she was furious. "How are things going with you and Brendon? Are y'all good? Yeah... I'm officially divorced now.... so ya know.... it doesn't really matter to me anymore if Brendon finds out about us." The blood drained from her face, I could see her visibly shaking. "Please, John... don't do this, if you do this then he will just run back to her!"  I took a sip from my drink.  "Who gives a shit anymore? They can be together and then you and I can be together!"  I said handing her a drink, she just shook her head begging me with her eyes.  "I love Brendon, John. I want to be with him!"   I hated hearing his name, I just wanted to take everything he loved and destroy him the way he has me. "Then you better do what I say."  Finishing off my drink I grab her by the hand and lead her to my truck, she didn't fight me or even question me. "I'm going to destroy him, I'm going to ruin him and you are going to help me! Or else I'll tell him about all the times we fucked in his bed, how do you think he will like that? I mean I still have the hard drive that has you riding me like a crazed lunatic."  She said nothing but stared at me, I could see the hate in her eyes but the longing to cause mischief.

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