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10:00 am

"If you don't get your act together you might have to pack lite." I sung tapping my pencil against my desk waiting for my sister to call me.

"Miss Pierce you have a new client." My assistant spoke coming into the room.

"Oh okay just give me five minutes." I said shooing her to call my sister on last time.

"Spill the tea." My sister spoke finally answering the phone.

"Girl this bitch of an assistant took my parking space this morning then come knocking on my door all smiley and shit." I said getting up from my desk to fix up the lounge area for my patient.

"Girl I would've beat her ass but you know how Alaina low key be thinking she better than us?" Tiana asked as I sprayed down my couches.

"Yea like we all ain't grow up in the projects whooping everybody ass." I said recalling our ghetto days.

"Girl exactly so Dia was talkings about giving her kids a pizza party and Alaina being stuck up talking about I could never watch snot nosed kids all day let alone buy them food." Tiana spilled.

I walked to the door of my office.

"Girl tell me more when I go on break I got a patient." I said getting ready to open my door.

"Okay I love you sister." Tiana said.

"Love you too." I spoke hanging up before opening the door.

"Hi I'm Ares take a seat." I spoke cheesing at my patient.

He was different from other patients clearly because majority of my patients were white and uptight he had to be my fifth African American patient in all my three years of being a therapists.

"Ight lemme get straight to it I hate my life." The guy spoke.

I picked his file up off the table making sure they didn't send me yet another suicidal patient.

I'm too honest and blunt to be dealing with the suicidals.

"Okay Mr.Rome tell me about your life why do you hate it?" I asked viewing his background.

I wouldn't hate my life making the money he makes.

"Well to be specific I hate the people in my life because I'm a director niggas wanna cuddle under me and fake be my friend they want the money and the fame I got three friends that I've known since college and they been stressing me too they either to busy to hear me or they wanna include me in they drama." He ranted clearly letting out his frustration.

I giggled seeing him finally relax.

He never once looked at me until I laughed.

We locked eyes and I shook my head writing notes.

"Well Mr.Rome it doesn't sound like you hate the people in ur life it seems like you need to set boundaries and your friends definitely stress factors I suggest taking breaks with them from time to time." I said smiling up at him.

"That's fake as hell." He said looking up at me.

"Huh?" I asked looking up from my notebook.

"You can't just make a decision about my life and basically tell me to cut my friends off I need more too it shit gotta be deeper I feel like I'm close to telling everyone about they self I'm angry and pissed not to mention I feel bottled up." He admitted.

I moved my notebook aside and leaned back in my seat.

"So what you want is to vent and get other's opinions?" I asked. He thought on it before nodding.

"Okay so we can try something I've never done before I'm gonna write my answers on your docs so they're always on file that okay?" I asked he nodded before I pulled out my pen.

"So I have a girlfriend but she's for media purposes but we were friends behind closed doors but she started using me and even stealin from me and my managers and Agencies are forcing me to keep up the relationship because she's bringing in movie deals." He expressed.

"I know nothing about fame I have a couple clients we are famous of course I can't disclose any information but from their views fame sucks everything about it carries burdens that you never know how to cope with or handle." I said writing down my statement.

"Exactly! My mom raised me on her own and she taught me lessons about the real world the real world don't have fake girlfriends for images not to mention all of a sudden my dad chose to come back and plead with me for money and fame because his new family so called not working out." Mr.Rome spoke.

"Oh I can't express the same feelings as you because both my parents raised me but I can understand the frustration of not having one when you needed both there were times my own parents didn't have my back or weren't there when I needed them most." I spoke watching him nod.

"Tell me about yourself Mr.Rome." I spoke closing my notebook as the session came to a close end.

"Well for starters I'm one of the youngest African American Males to be a director I am the only child graduated top of my class I used to have a daughter but I found out she wasn't mine and although I tried to stay in her life the mother was embarrassed and refused to let me see her I'm single in my mind and I'm the sexiest chocolate nigga alive." He said smiling.

"Truth be told Pop smoke is the sexiest chocolate nigga alive." I said giggling before getting up.

"If you believe that then that's on you." He spoke getting up as well.

"So if you want to schedule another appointment go ahead if not and you feel your better that's totally fine I understand just needing someone to vent to." I said shaking his hand as I led him out the door.

"Nah I'll see you next session hopefully you'll call me Dio. Have a good day Ares." He spoke waving before closing the door.

"Lizzy I'm going on break." I spoke waving to her with my lunchbox in hand.

"Bye have a good lunch." She said smiling.

Mentally I rolled my eyes at her parking lot stealing ass before getting on the phone to call my friends.

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