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3 months later

"And and and when it comes to a check! Baby Ima cash it." I said speaking to myself as I hopped out of my car heading into the bank.

I lived on my own now but me and Dio were still the best of friends. My business was thriving and I had new patients on top of Dio.

Yes we had sex but, we decided that too much would happen and it'd be better as friends.

But the dick was good Bitch!

"Girl you here every other week business must be good." Aura Sun's crush spoke.

(Aura the girl that sun disrespected at the art museum)

"Yessss girl I'm getting big bank but You coming to the pool party this afternoon you can bring Azul." I spoke wanting to see her precious baby boy.

"Yeah I'm coming Azul miss his friend if only Azul didn't like his child I promised I'd be far from Sun." Aura said rolling her eyes and shaking her head as she cashed my check.

"What he do now girl?" I asked.

"He's just so rude and he an asshole." Aura vented.

"Give him time he's learning but I'll talk to him so he don't do too much during my party." I said giving the knowing look to her.

"Ight girl I'll see you there." Aura waved.

"Byeee." I said leaving hoping into my BMW S-series car.

Immediately I drove to work and met up with another client but it was a couple consoling session.

"Your always working we just had a baby your supposed to take a break hangout with me spend time with your child something!" Amina complained to her new husband.

They came in about every month and it was always something new or different it was clear that her husband was on the verge of giving up so I decided today was the day.

"Amina calm down please." I said pulling something out of my desk then setting it to the side and writing a checklist from all I've observed in their marriage.

"Have a look at this." I said sliding them papers.

"Can you tell me what these are?" I asked crossing my hands together.

"Divorce papers." Kevin Amina's husband spoke.

"Yep." I smiled.

"You think we should get a divorce?" Amina asked.

"Absolutely!" I said in an excited tone.

"Let me tell you why because you both aggravate me and make me so damn sick!" I said pointing at both of them.

"You complain day in and day out about ur husband spending time with you but he does you just don't like how he does it he paints pictures of you sleeping her gives you breakfast and and bed and changes your daughters diapers early in the morning before work." I said pointing at Amina.

"You refuse to find a better job that had better pay and a time limit so you can be home with your family. Your career and advancement should literally never be higher than your family's growth." I said staring at Kevin.

"You guys spend 25,000 a month for my service and no matter how much I help you have to face it your not a match. I'll testify if you guys decided to make this a messy divorce but regardless of policy I know and you know that it's time." I said watch Amina cry and Kevin hold his head down low.

"Call me when you guys reach a decision." I said checking my clock and escorting them out of my office.

"You did that psychology trick didn't you." My secretary Khloe said already knowning.

"I did you know I'd never fail a couple sometimes they need the right antagonist in their life to set them straight." I said cheesing.

"Well the they were your last clients have fun at your party." Khloe spoke a smile spread on her face.

"Alright bye." I said waving before speeding to the car to go to Dio's new house where the pool party was taking place.

When I got there I went into my room where he bought clothes and decorated according to my taste. He said he wanted a house with a good amount of rooms for his friends.

I went into the bathroom changed and came out seeing I was late to my own event.

"Sorry I was working." I giggled watching everyone jump into the pool clearly waiting to do it.

I simply dipped my toes into the water before sitting at the edge where Dio came up between my legs and held my waist.

"How was work?" He asked staring up at me through his long lashes.

"It was fine actually I made a client this her relationship was shitty and handed them divorce paper guildlines." I said running my fingers through his hair.

"That's good you cashed your checks?" He asked again. I only nodded this time and he laid his head in my lap.

"You sleepy?" I asked continuing my playfulness in his hair.

"Mhm I was up all day preparing for your party." He said sliding his hands to my booty.

"Your awful." I said smacking his neck with laughter.

"Come on I wanna taste you again in been too long." He spoke then it hit me he was drunk as fuck.

I sighed getting into the pool to pull him out and get him in bed where he refused to sleep without me.

"Words can't explain how much I love you Ares." Dio said smiling at the wall he thought was me.

"Your drunk stink let's sleep." I said rubbing his chest hoping he'd just sleep.

Which he did thank Jesus.

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