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"Ares i wanted to talk to you before your client comes in ." My boss Lenore spoke.

Lenore was a racist man he didn't care that he was racist either the only reason I was hired was because he needed someone to embarrass when I was young and desperate I didn't care but now that I was older and had self worth I wanted to beat his ass.

"Sure thing." I spoke getting up from my desk to walk to his office on the way there I saw Dio coming in.

"Just go sit in the office." I spoke smiling.

"Nah I'll wait." He spoke shaking his head.

"So basically I feel like you don't take your job seriously not to mention your secretary has complained about you bullying her behind closed doors and that's unexceptional." Lenore spoke.

"Well if it's behind closed doors it's not bully-"

"I didn't say speak Ares...I'm telling you if it happens again your gone." Lenore spoke.

"I basically run this place if I'm gone my clients follow with me so stop the bluffs." I said swiping my hair behind myself.

"Listen here Nigger." My arm was pulled into a tight grip and instinctively I let out a pained yelp.

"Aye nigga back the fuck up." Dio said charging into the room where me and Lenore was. He snatched me from Lenore and I shook my head going to my office.

Dio followed of course and stared at me.

"These walls thin as hell you know." He spoke.

"Yeah I know." I said pulling out a box from under my desk.

"What you doin?" Dio asked me as I started placing anything I saw in the box.

"Quitting I'm done being treated like that he sees me by the color of my skin and not my good ass work in this office so I'm done and I'm filing a lawsuit." I spoke shrugging.

"I'll help you." Dio spoke grabbing the cushioned stool that was mine.

"I got more boxes in the car so let's just bring these down there." I said as Dio grabbed another stool.

"Ight." He spoke walking behind me.

My fake ass secretary looked confused as to why stuff was leaving my office and my boss had walked out completely shook.

"What are you doing get back to work and stop acting silly." Lenore spoke.

"You can kiss my ass I quit." I spoke rolling my eyes as I walked to the car with Dio.

"Why you let him do you like this all these years shit ain't right." Dio spoke.

"I was young and desperate i needed my dream job by all means necessary." I said walking back to the building for my final items.

"I have a friend she runs a Law firm you can talk to her she's good and she has s few foreclosure buildings that you could turn into your own little therapy place." Dio mentioned as we walked back to my office seeing cops and security.

"Really Lenore just let me get my shit I quit all I want is my things." I said pulling out my phone to start recording I refused to be a black woman on tv dead or embarrassed by the police.

"Your trespassing on public property you niggers aren't welcome." Lenore spoke.

Before I could speak I Saw Dio throw a punch a clean jab and I don't know before I could react I was pushing him out the way as police drawer there weapons and shot.

3 𝚆𝚎𝚎𝚔𝚜 𝙻𝚊𝚝𝚎𝚛

Three weeks ago a woman put her life on the line to rescue me and she got shot three times twice in the arm and once in the abdominal area.

That girl was Ares.

She's been in the hospital for three weeks in and out of comas and her sister and friends have been by her side but me I went above and beyond.

I was paying for her medical bills, had her in the best room, best doctors, anything that included special treatment she had it.

Her sister didn't blame me for anything she actually bailed me out of jail the first night because of that racist boss of hers filing a lawsuit.

Her friends however they thought I wasn't worth the trouble and I couldn't blame them because I don't think I'd do it for her had the roles been reversed I've only known her for a couple of weeks.

"Am I naked?" Ares asked looking under her blanket.

She was like this sometimes most days she was sleep but other days she was talking about being naked.

"Yes Ares your naked." I said chuckling.

"I'm pretty when I'm naked." She said cheesing at me.

"I'm sure you are." I said pulling out my phone to take a picture of her.

"Look how pretty you are." I said showing her the picture.

"I want my makeup back I'm ugly naked." She said rolling her eyes.

"I'll see what I can do but how are you feeling?" I asked.

"High as hell." A nurse said coming in to check on her.

"Nooo I feel like I'm walking on clouds." Ares said giggling.

"Like I said high as hell." The nurse said looking at me before pointing a finger to go outside.

"So apparently her sister is fighting two cases for her the police and the boss but because of the bosses power he persuaded her landlord into kicking her out and now she's homeless her sister doesn't have room apparently because of all the work and having only one bedroom her friends all dealing with something as well and no number was put down for emergency care so my next option is you or the shelter." The nurse spoke.

"Her own sister can't care for her?" I asked in disbelief.

"Not in the way she would like and not the way the doctors would like Ares has Three trauma wounds two on her arm that could've paralyzed her and one in the abdomen which could've killed her she needs a bed and 24/7 care her sister can't provide her that and neither can friends so we're asking you." The nurse explained.

"Yes I can take care of her but for how long?" I asked

"A year at most." She spoke I held my heart shaking my head.

"Well Dio she needs to heal and adjust to her scars that's two months right there then find a job that's a month then her confidence itself can take a while to heal and your the one she took a bullet for you owe her this." The nurse spoke.

"I didn't tell her to get shot for me." I spoke in anger.

"It's called an act of kindness I think paying bills and showing care isn't enough help her get back to the old her sign these papers for her to be discharged into your care." The nurse spoke handing me the papers before going back into Ares room.

I read it over and signed.

She wasn't supposed to get shot but it happened so it's my job to help her and protect her because she jumped in the way for me no girl has ever put her life on the line for me ever.

Fucked up life here I come.

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