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𝗗𝗮𝘆 𝗹𝗮𝘁𝗲𝗿

"Lisa take a look at this baby." I said pointing at the child that she was trying to pin on me for three years.

"It's your son I slept with one other person besides you and he's not the father." Lisa explained once again.

"Lisa he has Asian eyes and long hair I'm not stupid." Lisa sucked her teeth.

"It's called genetics dumbass I'm Taiwanese and black it was bound to pass on to someone." She said rolling her hers.

"I wanna DNA test." I said shrugging.

"Oh really now you want one after I've offered five times already please do take one I have the kit right here." She spoke goin in her room coming out with a swab.

"It's not that deep." I said heading towards the door.

"You keep asking for test then running away from them and I'm not a spiteful baby mother my son just wants his dad me and my fiancée are doing perfectly fine raising him as you can tell but I want my child to have his birth father if you continue to dodge me I will put you on child support and I mean that." Lisa said handing me the kit.

"Whatever." I said leaving with the kit going back to my car. I stared at the test sighing before swabbing my mouth. I looked up some fun places to take your child before going back to Lisa's house.

"Back so soon?" Lisa said sarcastically.

"Let me take him to Playland." I said rolling my eyes staring at the child that cling to my leg.

"Ok and I'll go to the lab and give them the swabs." I watched her swab her mouth and the child's before I left with the kid.

She gave me equipment I didn't think I'd need like a car seat, pull ups, hair ties, and sippy cups. What could any child need that shit for.

I drove us to playland in half an hour and because my cousin ran the company I was in free.

I rode a few rides with him and ate some food before I became bored of the child and went to the bathroom.

I watched a father with his son in the bathroom changing him and rolled my eyes. Kids were demons in my opinion never wanted one never needed one.

I walked out the bathroom going to where I left the child.

"Shit." I cursed loudly.

The kid was gone. So was my wallet with my money and ID.

I started walking around looking for the child I distinctly remember the outfit the kid was wear before scurrying to find the little boy.

"Ohhhh my goooddd." I shouted finally seeing the little boy next to another little boy and a Disfigured woman.

"Aye gimme the child back." I pointed at the woman she scrunched up her face turning towards me. My mouth dropped the woman I disrespected just the other day. She looked me up and down before shaking her head.

I know I called her disgusting and ugly but she actually wasn't she was pretty her skin just had two colors it made her different from other bitches not to mention she was actually thick she had stomach weight and big boobs not to mention thick thighs.

"My fault for the other day that was insensitive of me forreal and I disrespected you in front of you child so extra apology to you and the little guy." I said rubbing my neck.

"It's cool I'm beautiful and I know that." She said bluntly before looking at the kid.

"What's his name I'm not gonna give you a child you don't know." She said and I scrunched my face tryna think.

"Uh I never asked to be honest Kid what's your name?" I asked squatting down to look at him.

"Masi." He said and I pointed.

"His name Masi." I said cheesing in success.

"You don't know this kid at all." She said pulling Masi toward her.

"Wait I do but I don't I think he's my son but the DNA test ain't come back yet but I know he's three and he was born on my birthday Ten eleven I promise Ian no creep lady ion even like kids ain't no way I'd try and steal one." I said being brutally honest.

"Word of advise as a parent don't say you dislike kids around your kid it actually hurts there feelings." She spoke handing me a now Crying Masi before walking off.

"Bye MASII." Her child yelled as he left with his mom.

"Get ya little ass up and stop cryin like a lil bitch at least Ian lie to ya lil ass ion fuck with kids I'm stuck with you so I gotta like you Ight toughen up stop crying." I said patting him on the back as we officially left the park going back to his moms house.

"Wassup I'm Jero." A dude said opening the door.

"Masiii." Dude spoke taking Masi out my arms I rolled my eyes stepping into the house.

"The DNA came back positive you the dad Sun so are you gonna step up?" Lisa asked.

"What choice I got Ian no deadbeat." I said shrugging.

"For three years you been a deadbeat don't play that uno reverse on me cuz it's bullshit." She spoke I rolled my eyes waving bye to Masi before leaving the house.

Fuck Ima do with a snot nosed pussy ass kid?

Not sun dislike kids 😂😂
Would y'all tough love ya kid the way Sun did
Do anyone hate kids

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