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𝙽𝚒𝚐𝚑𝚝 𝚘𝚏 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚙𝚊𝚛𝚝𝚢

"Nigga you look so bored get cheerful look at all these bad ass bitches." Sun spoke looking at me with low eyes.

"Of course your high...I'm going to my room." I spoke going upstairs.

I went into my room going to my bathroom staring at the raiser by the sink.

"Fuck! what would Ares tell me right now?" I questioned everything as I held the raiser to my neck.

If I left this world who would really care besides my momma.

Everyone around me wanted to use me all my goals and dreams became theirs why would I want to live in a world like that.

I heard a door open as I took a deep breath holding the raiser closer as I prepared to end it all.

"I'm sorry I thought this was the..." I looked up seeing Ares and her hand covered her mouth.

Immediately she closed the door to my bedroom and stood where she was.

"Hey what's going on Dio?" She asked in a shaky voice.

"Look I know this counts as your job but I don't want to be talked out with pity if you gonna try and make me stay I need reasons." I admitted looking at her facials change.

"You gotta give yourself reasons I can't just list your life accomplishments." She said pushing her hair out of her face.

"I don't have any reasons why do you think I'm here?" I spoke in a Duh tone.

"How about I tell you a tiny story of my life it may help." She spoke sitting on my bed.

"You can make all decisions after but for now I want you to sit next to me and leave the raiser in there." She spoke calmly.

I nodded and left the raiser before sitting next to her to to hear her story.

"This ain't no once upon a time bullshit this is a so dis what happened type thing." She said looking me in the eyes before continuing.

"I had a brother but he passed away he was me and Tiana's older brother but he died because he couldn't handle life. We from the hood so the things you struggling with now we been fighting it just trying to make it out we dealt with snakes, hoes, groupies, etc." she said quickly patting her eyes.

"He didn't want help he kept it to himself he bottled up anger and hatred he suppressed sadness and only faked happiness I remember one day he told me he was gonna end it all I thought he was joking and I laughed at him a week later he went missing a year later his body washed ashore in Jamaica, he drowned himself." She spoke fiddling with her fingers.

"I blamed myself because instead of noticing I laughed that shit ate me alive and after his funeral I was where you just were a few minutes ago but I don't know it felt like my brother was calling me he told me that I didn't achieve anything in life and that I needed to set goals for myself. I wanted to make it out the hood years later I'm a Therapist with my own condo I get where you at but it's dark and lonely think of something you've always wanted and push for it." She advised wiping her tears.

I soon pulled her into a hug not knowing that we both needed it.

"You have a pen and paper?" She asked I nodded getting it from my dresser.

"Give me five things you've never done that you've always wanted to do." She spoke clicking the pen.

"Fall in love." I spoke looking up at her.

She smiled and wrote it down on paper.

"Have a family."

"Get Married."

"Go to Haiti and help the people."

"Have a number one global movie."

Once I was done I watched her start scribbling before she handed me the paper.

"Contract of Ares." I read slightly laughing.

"Sign here...Here...oh and here." She spoke cheesing.

I nodded reading over it before signing in print.

"So what's this all about?" I asked trying to understand the contract.

"So basically if or when you complete these goals our contract will be over and you'll be allowed to make the choice of using the raiser on your own until then you cannot think look or even feel like suicide is the best option." She said taking the paper and folding it tucking it into her titty.

"Ight I guess thats fair so why you here I thought you had plans." I asked looking at her.

"My date canceled on me so why not turn up." She said shrugging looking away from me.

I could tell she was hurt and that she was used to rejection.

"Well he missed out your a very beautiful woman you can walk in a room and take any nigga you want." I spoke getting off the bed holding my hand out for her to take.

"Thank you." She spoke with a small smile.

"Can you enjoy your time with me by your side?" She asked.

"Yes a hundred percent enjoyable." I said grabbing her hand to lead her downstairs to the party.

"Aye man you wanna go take shots in the pool?" Bailee asked looking down Ares chest.

"Nah." I spoke scratching my neck.

Bailee always knew how to guilt trip me into doing sum.

"Damn really you gonna let your guest down like that?" Bailee spoke pouting.


"How can he possibly let guest down when they're clearly enjoying themselves I mean Bailee this is his house and your his guest too correct so as a guest you should clean up after yourself and others as well show some respect to the man of the hour in his home." Ares bragged running her finger down my chest.

"Are you two a thing?" Bailee asked pointing his finger between us.

"Yep I'm his for the night and as his girl for the night I mean this kindly fuck off he's fine right here with me." She spoke standing in her tip toes to whisper in my ear.

"Play along to gain respect." She whispered before kissing my neck and getting back to her height level.

I grabbed her ass in her little mini dress and looked up towards Bailee with a smirk.

"So your cheating on Linden." Bailee smirked.

"You encouraged me before what makes it different now is I because I'm with a bad bitch and you can't stand to see me win or is it because your jealousy is starting to consume you?" I asked rubbing Ares stomach.

"My fault Ima go cleanup tho." Bailee spoke shook at my words and walked off in a hurry.

"Wow that fucking worked." I sighed hugging Ares.

"Yea sometimes you have to call bullshit before it can pick up the phone." She said walking to the sofa.

"Smell like Bodussy." She said covering her nose and getting up.

"Bodussy?" I questioned covering my nose once the stench hit me.

"Booty dick and pussy." She stated and I shook my head in disgust.

"Hell Nawh this party over hurry and leave before I call the cops and I'm in a white neighborhood all y'all will get aired out by 12 don't play." I yelled watching everyone scatter.

"I know we had a session coming soon but can you offer a cleaning session with me?" I asked Ares.

She tied up her hair getting a broom and some Lysol spray.

"Yea let's clean." She spoke smiling.

Booty dick and pussy 😂😂😂

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