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12:00 𝚙𝚖

"Oh so you finally arrive." My sister said as I sat down at the Applebee's table.

"Sorry guys I ran into Marcus." I said flipping my hair over my shoulders.

"You are only gonna get hurt again." Diamonté spoke.

"Exactly leave that man alone didn't you say you was done after baby momma number two." Tiana spoke.

"Okay y'all right." I said picking up the menu to see what I wanted to order.

"Ouu guys hotties alert." Alaina said tilting her head to the direction of the men.

"Ares?" Someone called.

I looked over my shoulder seeing Dio.

"Oh hi Dio." I said waving as him and his apparent friends walked over to our table.

"This a coincidence these are the people that keep stressing my ass out this is Bailee and Sun." He introduced leaving the white girl out.

She coughed obnoxiously to get his attention.

"Miss girl you got a virus or sum don't be doing all that cough cough over here." My sister spoke scooting closer to Alaina.

My sister was a germaphobe she didn't play when it came to sickness.

"Don't speak to me." The woman spoke.

Off the back everyone except me started taking off they earrings and everything else of value.

"Guys calm down its not that deep." I said moving all sharp items off the table.

"Sun go take her somewhere she works my damn nerves." Dio spoke rubbing his eyebrows.

"I'm sorry about her that's my fake girlfriend." He said rolling his eyes as he apologized to everyone.

"Hey we having this kickback for a movie premier y'all down to come?" Bailee asked.

"When is it?" Alaina asked putting her hoops back on.

"Tonight at ten it's gonna be lit." Sun spoke.

"This may come off rude but who are you guys to invite people to your friends kickback it's his movie and his success it's ultimately up to him to invite people." I said being the truthful bitch that I am.

The guys looked shocked besides Dio he was smiling to the side.

"Hey girl shut up." Diamonté spoke shaking her head at me.

"No I'm not being mean I'm just saying it's not your event nor your success at least pull your friend to the side and ask." I said sipping my glass of water.

"We gonna go find a seat." Sun said glaring at me as him and Bailee walked off.

"They boutta talk so much shit about you." Dio said chuckling.

"It's fine but I recall in therapy you saying people use your success as their gain and that ain't fair so if you wanna invite us you can nobody else's choice but yours." I said honestly not even caring about the you dumb bitch face my sister and friends were giving me.

"Yeah y'all can come." He said nicely.

"They can but I can't I have a lot to do tonight plus your my patient that's against the rules and who's gonna loose her 4 figure job not me." I said laughing.

"That's fine I'll see you anyway... I look forward to seeing you ladies at the kickback." Dio said waving as he left to the table with his boys and play girlfriend.

"I know one thing Dio ass gonna be in bed with me at the end of the night." Alaina said cheesing hard as hell.

"Girl bye he got eyes for my sister clearly." Tiana said knocking down Alaina and her overblown ego.

"Why you so quite Dia?" I asked to draw attention away from me.

"Huh oh nothing she said locking her phone."

"Gimme your phone." Alaina said with her hand out.

"Why?" Diamonté asked.

"Girl because I refuse to install that tip app that you have." Alaina said clearly lying but naive Diamonté gave up the phone only for Alaina to take screenshot of her messages airdropping it to both me and Tiana.

"Your so foul for that on my momma." Diamonté said as she looked out the window.

"Oh my god group hug." I said getting up from my seat to cuddle Dia.

"He was a no good nigga anyway." Tiana said rubbing her shoulder.

"Yea fuck him sending nudes to a bitch named Kyn then gonna say oh shit wrong person babe." Alaina sighed shaking her head as she rubbed her finger through Dia's hair.

"Three years tho guys I wasted time off my life over a cheating ass nigga I was debating having his kids shits crazy." Diamonté said not letting a tear slip it was clear she was just angry and not sad.

"Let's go fuck his car up." I suggested and everyone looked at me.

"I knew your inner ghetto bitch was still in there what's the address Dia it's time to do a drive by." Tiana said getting up from the booth.

"But we ain't even eat yet." Alaina sighed.

"Who cares his address bookmarked on my phone Imma send it to y'all and we can follow each other by car." Diamonté spoke getting out the booth and getting her keys.

I got up heading to my car as well as Tiana and Alaina.

Once I got in my Mercedes S-series I took off following my girls all the way to downtown LA.

It was no secret Diamonté was a pretty as girl and that meant all the rich downtown niggas was always kissing her feet.

She was deep in love with Marcus and didn't see him for the money she truly admired and cherished him so if we needed to slash some tires and burn some clothes that's what we were gonna do.

We pulled up after twenty minutes of driving and I was the one to knock on the door.

"What you doing here?" Marcus asked looking at me.

"Just wanted to tell you ur a dumbass bitch for cheating on Dia." He shrugged his shoulders and I pointed towards his car.

On top stomping it was Diamonté.

Slicing the tires was Alaina.

Tiana was bashing windows.

Not to mention he owned a Tesla.

"You fucking bitches." He yelled about to walk over to them.

I used a good amount of strength and punched him in the jaw then kicked his dick.

"Fuck!" He screamed as he slid to the floor holding his dick.

"Come on sweetie I did you a favor maybe it will swell up and give you the inches you should've had at birth cuz four inches that's kinda small luv." I said blowing him a kiss.

"Come on let's go before the cops come they got fuckin neighborhood watch In this bitch." Tiana said getting in her car.

We all did the same while talking on FaceTime as we headed back home.

See now I like this book

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