[15] snowball fight

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"akaashi hurry up," kaori groaned at the waddling akaashi who was too cold to move any quicker.

"leave me alone, i can't feel my feet."

the two had to drag him to the party anyway since akaashi kepy claiming he was going to make a fool of himselt in front of bokuto. kenma had reassured him he wouldn't and told him that bokuto wasn't going to come until later in the night anyway.

once akaashi caught up with the two at the doorstep, they rang the doorbell. after a couple seconds the door opened up to reveal kuroo with a sweater on and a santa hat on his head.

"merry christmas eve!" kuroo smiled while moving out of the way to let the three inside.

the three said their variations of "merry christmas," while taking their snow soaked shoes off.

kuroo's house was decorated with bunch of christmas decorations and smelled slightly of gingerbread due to a candle that was sitting on the coffee table.

"okay guys, since practically everyone has arrived we can start the party games!" kuroo said after the last few people had arrived.

"the first game is -- pause for dramatic effect -- a snowball fight!"

multiple groans left from people's mouths. after all, no one really wanted to go out into the cold.

"but with a twist!"

even more groans sounded out. everyone knew kuroo's twist to a regular snowball fight probably was something only a crackhead like himelf could come up with.

"everytime you get hit you have to take off an article of clothing!"

"ew you perv," akaashi heard kenma whisper next to him. akaashi choked.

"this is going to end badly," daichi said what everyone was thinking.

every hummed in agreement.

"sheesh guys. have some faith in me," kuroo huffed.

"yeah uh, i'm good. i'll just stay in here and play my video ga-"

"oh no you don't kenma! if you don't participate i'm going to tell your mom you've been bullying me again," kuroo threatened.

"haha...on sudden thought a strip snowball fight doesn't sound so bad," kenma said with an obviously fake happy tone.

after the last time kenma got scolded by his mom for being mean to her "future son-in-law" he knew to never let that happen again.

"you know kenma, if you were as nice to your mom as kuroo is, she wouldn't scold you as much," akaashi pointed out.

"it's not my fault kuroo compliments her shitty cooking! he just has a killer poker face," kenma groaned.

"jeez just compliment your mom's cooking once in your life."

"i'm sorry my mom's cooking sucks! kuroo's just a suck up."

"i am not! you should treat your future husband nicer too!" kuroo retaliated.

"in your dreams," kenma hissed.

"okay everyone, let's go outside and get this snowball fight started!"

after everyone got their snow gear on, they stepped outside.

"okay so here are the rules. number 1, no intential throws that could hurt someone. this includes putting ice in the snowballs or aiming for your baby makers and/or the face. i'm looking at you tanaka!"

"watch me!" tanaka shouted back.

"number 2, there are going to be a total of 10 rounds. after every round depending on how many snowballs you have been hit with, you can either continue to the next round or the judge, myself, will pull you out of the game. for example in the first round, if you get hit with more than 2 snowballs, you're out. in the second round if you get hit with 3 snowballs, you're out, and so forth. everyone understand so far?"

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