[17] stairs

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"what do i wear?"

"perferably nothing by the end of it," kaori said without looking up from her phone.

akaashi blinked blankly.

"what, did i stutter?" kaori said when she noticed that kenma was giving her a judgemental stare.

"ignore her akaashi. where did bokuto say he was taking you again?"

"he didn't specify. he just said to wear something casual but nice."

kenma hummed and stood up to go dig through akaashi's closet.

"ooh i wanna help," kaori said.

"no, you're on probation for almost causing akaashi to pass out from shock."


kenma ignored her, "akaashi go take a shower or something and in the meantime i'll pick something for you to wear."

"oh. okay," akaashi replied still in a daze from what kaori said.

akaashi took a quick shower, not fully trusting kenma and kaori after the cookies incident.

thankfully, when he got out of the bathroom he couldn't smell smoke.

"here you go."

"thanks kenma," akaashi mumbled looking at the clothes in his hands.

it was a black t-shirt, a gray trech coat that reached mid-thigh, jeans, a belt, and black seude loafers. akaashi had forgotten he owned half the stuff--he may or may not have a hoarding obsession when it came to clothes.

akaashi walked back into the bathroom and put the clothes on. he looked into the mirror and admired the outfit kenma picked out. it was casual but still had an underlying sophisticated look to it.

he quickly put on some concealer to cover the minor imperfections that dotted his face. he combed through his hair and brushed his teeth. akaashi walked out of the bathroom finally done with getting ready.

"no kaori, you can't call someone a cunt and expect them to treat you with respect."

"okay but they deserved to be called a cunt. they snitched on me and like every qUirky teenage white girl says 'snitches get stitches.'"

"no one says that."

"i literally just said every white teenage girl says it, pay attention you dic- oh hey akaashi you look nice," kaori said dropping her thought when she saw akaashi standing in the bathroom doorway.

"yeah you do," kenma hummed in agreement.

"thanks i guess."

"so are you ready?"

"yes...maybe...okay no. but i'm sure they're just butterflies. they'll probably go away soon. it's just a date, i mean nothing to get too worked up on."

"akaashi i think that's bokuto's car in your driveway," kaori pointed out.

akaashi's eyes widened comically, "shit wait, i'm not ready!"

"and you said it was nothing to get worked up over," kaori snorted.

a knock on the door made akaashi feel as though his soul drifted out of his body.


'fuck fuck fuck, i'm not ready for this! i'm gonna make a fool of myself. i can already see my headstone now; akaashi keji, died of being too much of being a panicked gay.'

akaashi gave the two who were currently sitting on his bed a look of panic.

"you'll be fine," kenma said with reassurance in his tone.

"good luck," kaori added with a not so subtle wink.

akaashi said a quick goodbye and dashed down the stairs quickly. too quickly in fact.


he yelled as he slipped on one of steps sending him tumbling down the rest of the carpeted stairs.

"akaashi? are you okay?" bokuto said opening the door clearly concerned about the loud thumping noise.

akaashi groaned in pain as a respone.

"oh shit, okay maybe not okay," bokuto mumbled more to himself.

bokuto crouched down to help get the younger up. akaashi looked up from where he was positioned--which was sprawled across the living room floor up. he was met with big golden eyes.

'did i die? is this what heaven looks like?'

"are you guys okay? we heard a loud crashing noise," kenma said as he walked down the stairs with kaori following behind him.

'nevermind,' akaashi continued with his thought, 'if those two are here i'm either still alive or i'm in hell because there's no way those two could get into heaven.'

"yeah i'm good, just kinda tripped down the stairs," akaashi admitted sheepishly.


"so...do you want to head out? that is if you're still up to it?" bokuto asked.

"yeah sure," akaashi replied awkwardly as he forgot what he was even doing.

maybe after he fell down the stairs a few braincells got knocked out in the process.

"great!" bokuto smiled.

the two made their way to bokuto's car. bokuto started the car and turned on the radio, which was a random song akaashi had only heard the tune of.

as they made their way down the road to wherever bokuto had planned, the two held random conversations about whatever popped up in their heads.

"so where are we going?"

"it's a suprise," bokuto said with a teasing tone.

"but i'm impatient," akaashi whined like a 5 year old.

bokuto chuckled, "well too bad because you're not gonna know until we get there."

"can i at least get a hint?"

bokuto looked as if he was deep in thought, considering akaashi's request of a hint.

"hmm... no."

"you jerk! i actually thought you were going to give me a hint!"

bokuto laughed loudly, "sorry but it was too good not to do."

"well, how far away is this place?"

"not far," bokuto hummed.

"thanks for being specific."


sorry for the last two chapters being shorter, but this story is really close to coming to a close and i want to hit 20 chapters.


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