Period blood
Some say worst I say best kind of blood
The blood that runs down my legs
The blood that runs through my ansesters
The blood that you shouldn't have ever craved
Your hands with more scars then the sky stars
Reminding you of every stop, no, please
Your eyes having seen more porn than shows on Disney channel
Lingering after ever end, ever one, everything
Your mouth has spoken the words to make me want to run back
Words that run through my head as your hands down my back
Your mouth minty fresh from gum you keep on hand
and from the cold soul you have kissed
Your mouth wanting to lick every last drop of blood from my crevices
A vampire wanting to take the worst
But yet relieved period of each month
But I got away
Before you able to keep me long enough to die
But not before you were able to take the last innocence from my soul
A Spark Of Hope
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