Ode to memories

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In Latin a memory is just rembering something mindfully

But I have seem to have forgotten where I have placed my hippocampus

For those of you who don't know the hippocampus is what is mainly used to store long term memories in the brain, while other memories are stored in various places

See the reminisce of my meories are scatter along my entire world

My lips are the memory of the first kiss I shouldn't have ever had

My being a product of mistake that tried to be rebuilt but ultimately failed

My legs the ones I have used to try and run so far away from my problems so they never come back

But they always will come back

Because my heart has a story that will keep on pumping till the day I die

But it has felt like I did many years ago

Or so I am in purgatory dying over and over again each time thinking "I can do this" "I have a good hold this time"

But the next day I let go

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