Prolouge: What is reality?

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July 2, 20xx

                  I guess this is a place to start huh? That is to say, I've thought of writing this for a while, a warning on behalf of my friend. She's one of them too, but not in the same way I guess. Any way, please be careful the company you keep. That's something everyone tells you, your parents, teachers, cousins, and even friends. What if I told you, the world was much more than normal murder, and chaos, if the day to day was so much worse than the news told you. What if your online horrors, were real? This is honestly what I have come to understand to be true. I'M NOT CRAZY! Whether it be Jeff the killer, or Laughing Jack, these people are very much real. I know first hand, from being followed, and from my dear friend, Ace. She was willing enough to show me, introduce me, to her friends, and her secret life. Secret being the operative word. When I make a promise, my intent is to keep it. I will take Ace's secrets to the grave. Which as I write this, I may really be at the end of my rope. Hehe, it's funny, Ace seemed so normal, but she's defiantly far from it. Her company is kept with murders, and monsters, like Ben Drowned, Laughing Jack, and ....god I can't remember. My head is getting fuzzy, so I have to try to finish this up. The truth, is our world, is their world too. Jeff does kill people, the Slenderman does exist, their are necromancers, demons, witches, and people that exist beyond the pages of our internet. Between the horrifying words we so carelessly read, are real people, real beings. I may still sound like a man with a lost mind, but I have seen it. Please take my warning....Please......"you're smart, Conor", that was what Ace used to say, 'youre sma-

                    The journal entry stopped there, leaving the young woman with her wolf mask in tears. Crimson red soaked the rest of the page of her old friends note book/diary. The man from her work, Conor, lay now cold, in a pool of rose red. She stared at him for a good 20 minutes, while her body shook from her sobs. The rest of her face was obscured by a pure white native american, navajo style, wolf mask. There were red slash like marks painted on the mask. She wore dark clothes otherwise, a black hoodie lined with white fur, dark navy blue jeans, and dark brown boots lined with white fur. She left in a quick smoke/fire like flash, teleporting away from the corpse of the only normal friend she had. "I-I'm s-s-sorry Conor," she said through sobs,"I-i should have paid attention..."

                       She disappeared down a path heading home, not yet knowing, what was going to happen yet...

AN: Ok so I said this before in the summary, but this is going to be a story about if our world had CP characters, and they legit existed. Now I didn't state all the characters I'm going to have in here, so let's cover that now.

Jeff the Killer
Ben Drowned
Laughing Jack
Eyeless Jack
Ticci Toby

And...I think that is all so far. Now much of this story is also going to have head cannons, and oc's, so for complete creepypasta accuracy, don't come here! Some head cannons, so to speak, will include:

*Ben and LJ knowing my ocs (which will be explained in the story)

*Masky and Hoodie may not be proxies for a while in this story (I'll put a video link in the comments to at least try to explain why)

*Lyra Rogers will be a protagonist in this story (I like pretending the ghost of Toby's older sister is somehow there in the cp universe for fun, a moments of feels so sue me)

   And, that's all I can really give you right now so yeah. If you have any questions or concerns let me know in the comments below. Kk? Cool! Then I will see you in chapter 1 lovely readers! Bye!

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