Chapter 3: Laughing Jack and, The Glass Soul

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Laughing Jack's P.O.V.

I could hear foot steps in the dark, coming here had become less of a chore, and more of a game. Not my favorite game, as I wasn't allowed to actually do anything, but a game none the less. This place had become like a second home, but not because of the person who gave me a second chance. For the moment I thought of her, like a demon she'd appeared. The true Ace of Spades, although not with her mask, or the white hair I knew from before. There was no rage on her face, she reminded me of the man, the boy, who had left me to rot in my box, before he left. Only to come back, and play games without me. Though, she reminded me of the boy who began with me, kind, patient, with a small dark twist. Spades and I had met when she was asked by a friend to look after her little cousin Luke, his nickname was Lukie. On that day, he came outside to play a game with me, he was so close, and I told him this might be the last time I would play with him. Little Lukie pouted, begging me to stay, to play with him forever. I told him, I couldn't, but we could make this game the most fun. I had begun to tire him out, and our game was coming to a close, his screams being the trigger of my laughs. When, in a sudden moment, my clawed hands were stopped. I could vaguely see Lukie crying, with an adult form in front of him. The form in front of him, had short white hair, a wolf mask, and dark clothing. A red liquid dripped from underneath the mask, and a force was keeping me claws from slicing through the feminine figures hand. The young woman looked back, and then screamed at him, "Run Lukie! And I promise Ace will be there! GO HOME NOW!"

Without a word, and tears in his eyes, he stood clumsily to his feet, and ran. I tried to chase after him, a laugh escaping my lips with my every advance, but she would always be in my way. So I chose to play with her instead. She was able to keep up with me. I couldn't tell why, but I was actually fearing, fearing I might actually lose. I got pinned in a matter of what felt like seconds, I couldn't move, and I didn't want too. Her laugh pierced through silence, for once I wasn't laughing. The next moments stuck with me though. She smiled, catching a look at my face, the proceeded to talk,"You really have lost this game haven't you? Well normally this would be the time I would call you out for that, you did pull the Ace of Spades out of the deck, and this is your punishment. However, I've decided to give you a redemption round."

She took her weight off me, and the glowing knives that surrounded her disappeared. I sat up, half thinking about running, but what intrigued me was that she reached into her pocket for. She had a deck of cards, they weren't terribly old, but the seemed to have lost their white color, and the luster they once had. She shuffled it carefully, like she was comforting an old friend. She then proceeded to fan out the cards in front of me. I stared for a moment, before she said,"If can manage to pull an Ace of Hearts from this deck, I will spare you, but if not that's it."

I stared at her for a good minute, then I asked,"What's the catch?"

"Nothing really, and I am nothing but, a woman of my word," she answered in confidence.

I still couldn't tell to this day, why I really believed what she had too be telling me the truth. Whatever her game was, she wasn't willing to lie about my position. I sighed, then hesitantly pulled a card from the deck. It was while I did that, I noticed the deck was halved. I told a brief moment to take that in, before flipping the card right side up. On that side was a defaced card, it had hearts crudely painted over what used to be there. I looked at her, as the girl held hand down to help me up. I took it, surprised she was being serious. Then she looked up at me with the same look she had before. Serious, harsh, angry, I could all clearly read on her face. "Here's the catch for you keeping your life. Here is the cost of your life," Spades said in a harsh tone,"you attack my family, that includes Luke, Annie, his cousin, and anyone in association with me. There will be no more second chances from me. Am I clear Laughing Jack in a Box?"

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