Chapter 11: You're safe Sally

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Lyra's P.O.V. (cont.)

I ran with Sally, hearing Shadow fighting to the best of her ability. Though Sally still seemed pretty scared, I waited till I couldn't sense anymore of the dream stealers. It not only told me, that for the time being, Shadow had things handled, but it also told me that I had time to comfort Sally. My instincts from being an older sister kicked in. I turned to face Sally, seeing her tear stained cheeks, and her eyes still watering, as she tried desperately not to cry in front of me. "Oh sweetie," I said hugging her close to my chest,"It's ok, you're safe Sally. I won't, we won't, let those monsters get you. You're Sally, I promise."

She sobbed harshly as I held her, then asked,"How? H-h-how are y-you s-so sure?"

I tightened my grip, then I said,"because, I would fight, and Shadow is fighting those dreamstealers. None of us out here like them, or would wish them on our worst enemies. In short, we've got your back."

Sally looked at me, smiling weakly. Then she cocked her head,"That other ghost creature, that other girl, her name is shadow?"

I nodded, her curiosity made her adorable, it made her seem like anything other than a poltergeist. Then she looked at me again, before asking,"What do you mean by us, do you just mean Shadow, and you?"

I half wondered if telling her would be a bad idea, but then I realized, I was bringing her back to Ace's house to keep her safe till we could bring her back to Slender's. I sighed, before actually answering her,"No, Shadow and, I live out here, but we're not the only one's. We have a friend who let's us, stay with her, along with quite a few others. You'll be meeting them soon."

Sally nodded, before we had to take off again. The dreamstealers were already becoming too much for Shadow, I guessed. It felt as though, I had made a terrible mistake, leaving Shadow behind. Then again, she might have been taking a page from Ace's book. As this thought crossed my mind, Sally screamed. I looked behind us, seeing hundreds of them closing in on us. I started to run, griping Sally's hand tightly. She was crying which slowed her running speed, I didn't want her to get captured, so I picked her up. This helped significantly until, we hit a dead end. A 'road block' of dreamstealers, leaving us frozen in place. I sucked in breath after breath, trying to breathe after expending that much energy. Between Sally crying, and shaking in my arms, and the laughter of the monsters that surrounded us, I couldn't figure out what to do. I couldn't fight with Sally in my arms, but I also didn't want to risk putting her down to fight. I became worried, as their circle tightened around us, gripping her tight to my chest, the same way I used to with Toby, whenever he had a bad dream. Suddenly, just as it seemed we were going to die...something strange happened.

Sally's P.O.V.

"It's hopeless...," I thought towards Slendy as I cried.

"Sally!" Slendy called,"Where are you?!?!?"

I didn't answer for a while, although Slendyman was the one who took me in, and had adopted me, I couldn't bring myself to tell him. I was about to die again. "Sally! SALLY!!!??" Slendy cried out.

I felt to frozen to answer, the only comfort being Lyra, who had saved me a few minutes ago. Then, I heard a bounce, like a ball in a cartoon. I looked up, first at Lyra, then out to the area around us. There was a milky shield around us, and the ...dreamestealers, were pounding on it. Confusion crossed my face, and when I looked up at Lyra, she just shook her head. She didn't know either....then as if that wasn't weird enough, something that looked like a dreamstealer, but was actually paler, started attacking the others. Before either of us, had time to ponder any of this, we were pulled away from the fight. "You two alright?" asked a voice, in a calm whisper.

"Yeah, but we need to get back to the house. Shadow stayed behind to fight...I don't know if she's ok," Lyra answered honestly.

The boy nodded quietly, not asking her anything else, before leading us away. 2 things about him stuck out, 1.) he had stitches all over his face, and 2.) he looked like Jeff, if Jeff had green eyes. "See Sally, you're safe," Lyra said, causing us to both laugh.

AN: Starting to use an idea from REED681us so yeah. See ya in the next chapter....mmention a usermention a user

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