Chapter 1: Murder amongst Murderers

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                       "Glad to see you took my advice," said a black haired man between laughter,"you're finally asleep."

                      The man was rather young, with pitch black hair, and one side of his face had ghoulish burn scars. It left his eye on that side a cold unmoving white, where as the other side of his face had a piercing blue eye, and his face looked naturally pale. He seemed to have tried to complete the ghoulish smile caused by the side with the burn, as he had crudely carved a smile passing his lips on the opposite side. His outfit consisted of a once pure white hoodie, black jeans, and darkly colored tennis shoes. Now he had blood splatted all over his attire, and the woman he had been talking to lay lifeless at his feet. The ruby substance pooled around her, and soaked in darkening her dress. The young man laughed, leaving his toy lying in a pool of her own blood. 911 had been called, and now he could hear the loud scream of the sirens, signaling him to leave a little faster. He took off running, still rather gleeful of his triumph over that woman. Branches, and leaves crunched, and cracked underneath his feet, and he got well out of earshot, and sight from the crime scene. "You've out done yourself this time Jeff," his voice said in a harsh raspy tone,"but that still wasn't the same sweetness you felt before. Oh those were great times."

                    Jeff was clearly talking to himself, remembering when he killed the little shits who burned him, and took his parents out in their once peaceful bed. He smirked as their horrified looks flashed by in his mind, then he remembered his brother, letting his lustful smile fall. He sighed, then said,"I'm sorry for leaving you Liu, I'll check on you again when I get back."

                   Then as his full set of senses came back, he paused right in front of an old path. "Damn it," he mumbled,"I went too far."

                   The old path, was the one thing he never messed with. Living with Slendy, did mean he had to follow some rules. Jeff, although not a proxy, did live with Slenderman as an ally, and made a point to keep all allies of any kind safe. He just wasn't sure he could do that on the opposite side of the path in front of Jeff now. "Ok," Jeff said beginning to turn around,"I need to head back toward the house."

                  Just then he heard someone coming, and hid to watch, his knife out and ready to kill. He stayed still seeing a young woman walk down the center of the path, she had pure white hair, and a white wolf mask to add to it. "What the?" Jeff mumbled.

                  "Damn the guy who killed Conor," the woman said darkly," He'll pay...."

                   Jeff felt confused, he thought that Slender, the proxies, and he, were the only ones who knew about the path. After she passed him, he followed her from his side of the path. The girl didn't stop for a while until she was right in front of a large,red eyed, wolf. "Hi Wilder," the girl said half heartedly, letting her anger relax.

                 "What happened to Conor?" the wolf barked questioningly.

                  The girl gritted her teeth, before Jeff could see a tear stream down her cheek,"Gone..."

                   The dark brown wolf turned into a human boy with dark clothes, and red animal eyes. He then proceeded to walk over to her and give her a hug. Jeff was perplexed, he had seen some unusual things, but the connection between the 2 of them was only something he really saw in 'normal' society. "I'm sorry little sister. Ace, I'm so sorry," he said while he hugged her.

                    "It's not your fault! Let's -just go home," Ace said to the guy who appeared to be slightly older than her.

                    "Alright," he said wrapping his arm around the younger girl.

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