Chapter 6: Ben and Shadow

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3rd Person P.O.V.

                        I guess things turned put alright between Jeff and Slits, but were the others doing. Let's take Shadow into account, as she hasn't gotten much time in this story. Well at least she's back at the circle, getting texts from a certain Link look-a-like...

Shadow's P.O.V.

                       After Ace, and Slits were gone for a while, we saw that Progenitor and, Necromancer, were coming back, but not Ace. "Where did Ace go?" Wilder asked, being Ace's familiar.

                       Progenitor looked at Necromancer, as if he did something wrong. And being that Pro was taking a break from waiting for the boy in the healing tent to wake up, it didn't surprise me. "What?! Ace just went to the glass soul, and she's a big girl! She's talking to a couple friends of mine there, and she can handle herself," Necromancer answered defensively.

                        I noticed Simon (Wilder beast) sigh, his shoulders falling a bit. He shook it off though, specifically saying,"Yeah, Ace being there, is definitely better than her being some places by herself..."

                       "You mean like when she went into Slenderman's forest by herself," Lyra and I teased lightly, since he wasn't letting her live that one down.

                        "I KNOW SHE WAS GOING TO SAVE ANNIE, BUT SHE STILL COULD HAVE DIED!" He fought back causing me to laugh, and Lyra to roll her eyes.

                         Despite her normally chill nature, Lyra honestly stood by Ace's decision, even though she wasn't there at the time. It was funny to watch the 2 of them argue over it, and made both sides of me chuckle. "Ace was well aware she could have died, but she was also aware that Annie could have died too, and no amount of scolding her is going to change what she did," Lyra retorted, slightly annoyed,"It didn't change what I did to defend Toby..."

                         "Enough you 2! Thanks for letting us know Necromancer," Progenitor said, trying to calm the situation.

                       Necromancer could feel the tension, anger from Progenitor for not saying something sooner, and a little residual annoyance from both Lyra and Simon following their argument. "I'm going to go back to training my new puppets, so I'll see you later," He said walking away before Progenitor could say anything else.

                      She stared daggers into his back, and I felt my phone buzz in my pocket. Progenitor faced us again, and said,"Can I get help from the 3 of you, when the boy wakes up?"

                     My phone buzzed again, and I nodded hesitantly, while Lyra and Simon nodded brightly. Progenitor looked at me, realizing that I was being contacted. "You're a bit preoccupied, I can see," She said, a soft smile crossing her face.

                     "Uh yeah," my voice echoed sheepishly,"Sorry."

                    "It's alright, I only need 2 people anyway. Come along, Simon, Lyra," Progenitor answered, making me relax a bit.

                    Lyra and, Simon looked at me. They both realized it might be BEN. So they nodded, and left. I pulled out the phone Ace had given me when we first met, and sure enough, it was Ben. I smiled when I saw it was him, as he sent his usual videos. Videos of himself, saying his signature lines from the internet. I chuckled, and instead of watching them I replied.

- Hey there BEN!

                    I knew he would laugh at me purposefully spelling his name in caps, like the rest of the internet did. That he might even tease me for not watching his videos. Sure enough, he responded back quickly.

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