Chapter 7: Homicidal Liu

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Wilder Beasts P.O.V.

                 After being asked, Lyra and I followed Progenitor into the healing tent. "Well he looks like he's gone through a lot," Lyra stated obviously.

                   I nodded, then Progenitor added,"That's why I asked for your help. Simon, Lyra, I know you have a better knack for people than I do. Simon finding Ace first, probably was better for her in the long run. I'm a witch, and the only things I'm confident talking about are magic, and murder, ironically enough."

                   "Considering Ace, and the other creatures you deal with on a regular basis, not so surprising," I said laughing a little.

                   Progenitor nodded, a small smile crossing her lips. It was normal for our conversations to go like this, but truth be told she knew more than she'd let on. Progenitor knew how to blend in, despite not being in her element. What she really meant, when she said stuff like that, was that talking to people who were new to her world about that stuff sanely...was difficult for her. She looked 30, but was somewhere between 200 and 400 years old. Her had started in England, beyond that we didn't really know. That aside, she was right about one thing, we were the only really down to earth people around. As soon as that thought crossed my mind, the boy started to stir.

Progenitor's P.O.V.

                  One could feel that this boy was tormented. Asking the 3 of them to help may have been a mistake. However, Simon and Lyra could probably handle him. They may even be able to calm his spirit. As we stood there talking, he started to wake from his slumber. I could tell it may have had to with a nightmare, but that was something we didn't get to find out. As he shot up, instantly regretting it. Pain etched onto his face, then he shot off of the bed.

Liu's P.O.V.

                Waking up from my nightmares was one thing, but waking up in a place I'd never been was another. The last time I'd woken up in a place that didn't feel normal, was the day after Jeff killed our parents. I think deep down, I couldn't blame him, though I could never quite site why that was. I woke up in pain, and when I saw 2 people I didn't know, I forced myself to my feet. "Who the hell are you?! Where the hell am I?! And what the hell do you want with me?!" I exclaimed as strongly as I could with my injuries.

                    "Take it easy, Progenitor just healed you, my name is Simon, and we just brought you here to get fixed up after that guy was trying to kill you, " a guy explained with ease.

                   I couldn't possibly believe it, they had to be working with that psychopath. "No way! I'm getting out of here!" I retorted in response, stumbling a bit.

                     "Please," The woman, who I could only perceive was Progenitor,"You're going to hurt yourself child!"

                    I started to move ignoring her warnings, only to be frozen in one place. "Please, Simon, Progenitor, could you let me try?" asked a calmer voice, which I could only hear, I couldn't see where it was coming from.

                   "You sure Ly?" asked the guy who called himself Simon.

                  "Yes!" her voice ringing out in agitation,"I can at the very least keep him from injuring himself!"

                  Progenitor sighed, then signaled for Simon to follow. When the 2 of them left, I felt my body fall forward a bit, like whatever was keeping me from moving was suddenly released. I was about to leave not seeing who was talking before, she just appeared in front of me. I jumped, a little freaked out. "I'm sorry! Please don't leave!" She said to me apologetically.

                   Her voice was calm a genuine, something I hadn't expected. Now that I thought about it, were the others the same? "Let's start over ok?" She asked calmly, she brushed back her blonde bangs with her finger tips.

                 I nodded hesitantly, as I really wasn't sure about all of this. The last memories I had before this being of the male nurse who wanted to kill me for killing his girlfriend. I had, completely had it with her games, forcing stuff onto me, kisses, and bed sessions. I shuddered, remembering these things, but there was no turning back. As I completely expected her to automatically approach me, I was prepared to hurt her. Instead, she just gave a gentle smile, keeping her distance, and introduced herself. "My name is Lyra, Lyra Rogers, and you are?"

                 She had a calm, confident, sweet, one might even say innocent, look. They way she introduced herself told me she knew I was scared, and not to corner me. "Liu," I mumbled,"Liu Woods."

                    "Nice to meet you Liu! And again I'm so sorry we scared you. I know this all super confusing, but one of our friends brought you here. She said that a mental asylum nurse was chasing you, he was trying to kill you. So long story short, after you passed out, and she knew she was too far from us at home, she brought you here," She answered me as calmly as possible, it made me feel comfortable.

                  "So where is here?" I asked opening up to her a bit.

                 "That's kind of hard to explain, so I guess before I answer you, I should really ask, is there anything that you've seen that should be impossible?" She answered, and asked in honestly.

                    "The weird leech on his neck, that's about it..." I said trailing off.

                  Then Lyra answered me, making me think about every word she said. The witches circle, demons, the slenderman, all of it, it just felt surreal. "Ok so internet horror, is real," I mumbled thinking over everything.

                 "Yeah," she answered with a quick nod,"That's the long short of it."

               I nodded, processing everything she said, very carefully. It didn't take long for me to go, and sit on the bed I woke up on. Lyra, and I sat in silence until another girl marched past us, dragging what, who, I guessed to be BEN DROWNED. I jumped, and Lyra put a hand on my shoulder before saying," It's ok Liu."

                My shoulders relaxed, but I wondered if everything was really ok...

3rd Person P.O.V.

                  The sun raised as things started to return to the world of sanity...

AN: Sorry I got lazy at the end... But thanks again to retrogamenerd now PokemonNerd666 for letting me use your oc, therefore making the next few chapters more fun! Hee hee! So please look forward to that.

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