Chapter 12: Ace's House

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Lui's P.O.V.

Going out to look for them had been my idea. Everyone was pretty preoccupied with stupid things, but even so, Shadow had managed to pull herself away from Ben, and his video games. When I came home, I expected to see everyone, with the exceptions of Ace, and Annie. When I found out that Lyra and, Shadow had gone to patrol the area, and hadn't come back yet. Looking for them seemed like a good idea. As Jeff had told me once when we were younger, if something seems off in an already tense situation, check things out. It made sense with all the stuff that had happened to me lately, with the attacks on my current home turf, and the obvious weight of the moment we were living in. Looking back, I hadn't seen Emma or Simon either, but I guess I could ask the others when I found them. I half expected to see Ly, and Shadow, in trouble, but not see Ly by herself in a shield with a little girl? Having things explained to me shortly after I pulled her out of the center.  "See Sally?" Lyra asked with relief in her voice,"You're safe."

Sally, and Lyra started laughing. A small smile crossed my face, as the 2 of them laughed like, they always knew each other. "So you're name is Sally?" I asked the little girl.

"Yep! Wait...who are you?" she asked suddenly appearing in front of me.

I jumped for a second, then smiled seeing the girl floating in front of me. "My names Lui," I said with a kind smile,"It's good to see you Sally."

"You too Lui! You know, one of my adoptive brothers had a brother named Lui," Sally said brightly.

My smile dropped, but I didn't really say anything as she continued,"He keeps tabs on him all the time. Though to be honest, he looked a little bit sad, last time he checked on him."

"Really?" I asked dryly.

"Yeah...are you ok Lui," Sally asked.

"Uhhh..." I froze, realizing I let my emotions slip.

"He just has some family issues sweetie," Lyra answered for me.

I just nodded as we were getting closer to the house. The silence between us was eventually broken, as my questions came back. "So I forgot to ask, where are Slits and, Wilderbeast?"

"Wilder went to eat, in order to keep his sanity up," Lyra answered,"And Slits, she left with a knife made by Ace. She said she wanted to give it to someone."

"Huh- she have a crush or something?" I asked, only partially teasing.

Lyra laughed, a bright smile crossing her face,"She might! You never know."

I nodded, our conversation being interrupted by Sally,"Wow! That house is pretty!"

Lyra and I froze looking at each other, then lightly chuckled. "This is where we live."

Sally bounced excitedly,"Let's go!" she cheered pulling us along.

Lyra smiled at me, making my face darken in color. I reached with my free hand to pull the black, and white, striped, scarf, Ace and Progenitor made for me over my face. I still didn't have the heart to tell Lyra how I felt. Sally giggled looking back, just before we got to the door.

Sally's P.O.V.

Lui liked Lyra, though I wasn't going to say anything yet. When we got to the door, I froze. I was kinda nervous to enter the beautiful cabin. "You ok Sally?" Lui asked concerned, seeming to be snapped out of his Lovey dovey blush.

I nodded silently, making Lui look at me, the way Jeff did when he knew I was scared. "You don't have to be afraid," Lyra added,"We're here for you."

Lui nodded silently, though I knew he meant it. I nodded, gripping their hands tighter, and with that, we walked in together.

Ben's P.O.V.

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